"What's this?" The older man asks.

"It's a list." Dean says absentmindedly, Dakota inches closer on her dad's other side, standing on her tip-toes to see the journal.

"Of what?" She mumbles to her father, Dean looks down at her.

"Grandpa wrote down anyone he thought ever came in contact with the yellow-eyed demon--who, where, and when." Dean answers her, his voice soft as he speaks to her. She smiles at him, her dimples make her cheeks crumple slightly.

"Why?" Samuel questions sharply, drawing Dean's attention away from his daughter.

"'Cause the more he could learn about the son of a bitch, the more he could figure out why it killed my mom." Dean stands, facing Samuel as he speaks sadly. Samuel looks away, glancing back at his wife. He doesn't even know that Dean's talking about his daughter's death. "Look. Whitshire Farm. I told you that name sounded familiar."

"Whitshire Farms--that was two days ago." Samuel says in disbelief, leaning closer to the journal to read it. "How the hell is that on your dad's list?"

"You both said swears." Dakota mutters, Dean gives his daughter an annoyed look and sighs. Dean looks slightly panicked at Samuel's question. "Grandpa could see the future!" She grins. Both men look over at her, Dean with an impressed look and Samuel with disbelief.

Dean nods in agreement before returning to the journal, Samuel stares at Dakota for a couple more seconds before returning his attention to Dean.

"Look at this--say he's gonna hit here tomorrow night. " Dean points to the name after Tom Whitshire.

"Liddy Walsh?" Samuel asks, having never heard the name.

"Haleyville." Dean says instead. "That's close." He moves over towards the map. Dakota sighs loudly.

"Yeah, it's about 3 miles, but..." Samuel trails off looking to his wife, who shakes her head barely. Dean straightens, looking between the Campbell's with wide eyes.

"I know you guys think I'm crazy." Dean says nodding his head with his words.

"You seem like a really nice kid, Dean, but, yeah, you're crazy." Samuel admits with raised brows.

Dean smirks slightly. "Yeah, maybe. But I know where this bastard's gonna be. And I'm gonna stop it...once and for all." Dean promises.

He grabs John journal and slides his coat on. He holds out his hand for Dakota, who grips onto it tightly. They walk towards the front door, hearing quiet music coming from one of the front rooms. Dean notices Mary looking through records with a small smile on her face. Dakota starts humming the same song from earlier as Dean clears his throat.

"We, uh, we're shoving off." Dean says quietly when Mary's head snaps up and her eyes widen. "I just wanted to say 'bye'." He continues, waving his hand at the word 'bye'.

"Really?" Mary asks, smiling as she places the records on the table and standing. "So soon?"

"Yeah, I have a job to do." He answers before glancing back at the dinning room where Samuel still is. "Hey, I wanted to tell you-"

"Daddy." Dakota warns, giving him a look. Castiel told them not to say anything that would effect the future.

"You know, for what it's worth, um...it doesn't matter what your dad thinks. I like that John kid." Dean finishes, ignoring his daughter. Mary looks down at the little girl and chuckles at Dean's words.

"You do?" She says with a grin.

"Yeah." Dean says, smiling softly at his mother. "Yeah, I think you two are meant to be." His expression turns knowing as he gives his daughter a grin, she giggles and covers her mouth with her free hand, trying to be sneaky. "Hell, we're depending on it." Dean continues quietly.

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