❇Chapter 1❇

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I groan, my head feeling like it was being hit with a hammer over and over again. It felt like I was going to puke. Damn, how much did I drink last night? Speaking of last night, I don't remember much of it. All I recall is going to a bar with Yoongi and Jimin, then ordering a few drinks. After that its blank. I really hope I didn't do anything stupid last night. The sound of my phone ringing cut through the quiet morning, causing my headache to pound against my temple even more.

With great difficulty, I shifted into a sitting position, then reached over; removing my phone from the nightstand near my bed. Taking a quick glance at the caller ID, I didn't bother containing the annoying groan from slipping past my lips. With a sigh, I answered.

"Where the hell are you?" Jimin asked on the other end.

"Well good morning to you too," I replied; voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Where are you?"

"At home in bed. My head hurts from drinking last night because you and your boyfriend suggested I joined you," I answered leaning back against the pillows, throwing my arm over my eyes.

"You could have easily declined the offer, and get some aspirin for that headache. Now on to important matters; your eleven o'clock meeting just arrived."

I bolted upright wincing slightly as I looked at the alarm clock on the night stand table. A stream of curses left my mouth as I scrambled out of bed making a B-line to the bathroom.

"And you're now just calling me?" I asked suddenly annoyed. "You could have called me two hours earlier if you didn't notice my freaking presence."

Jimin sighed on the other end, most likely rolling his eyes. "You're a grown man Taehyung. You should be responsible for your own actions and thoughts."

"Oh really?" I asked cleaning my face with a towel, "You know you're right. Guess who just lost their paycheck this week."

"Hey hey alright," Jimin replied quickly, 'I'll try to keep them stalled as long as possible but hurry up and get your ass to the office."

"Who do you think you're talking to? You may be my cousin, but just keep in mind who has power of your paycheck and your job."

"Yeah okay," another eye roll from him, "Just hurry up."

"I'll be there in ten minutes."


Being the CEO of your own company has it benefits, as well as it's not so nice benefits. And right now I was looking at one of the not so nice benefits. I straightened my tie one more time before pushing the doors open to the conference room where the meeting was being held. Twenty pairs of eyes stared at me as I made my way to my seat.

Jimin stood up and patted me on the shoulder as I passed by him. I sent him a grateful nod before he disappeared from the room; closing the door quietly behind him. I can't count how many times I've had Jimin save my ass just because I ended up doing something that I know I'd regret the next morning. I'm really glad to have someone like him, although he could be a fucking pain in the ass. The guy is so...anyway thats not important right now; its the meeting.

"Sorry I'm late," I apologized as I took a seat in my chair, "Shall we get started?"


Its late. I'm tired. But I'm not done with my reports yet. I mean there was always tomorrow to finish but did I really want to wait that long? I know how things work around here; I should anyway being the CEO and everything. If I put this off for tomorrow, then more work will pile up on it and I'll never get to it, so the smart thing that should be done is to get it done now. No matter how tired he was.

Opening a folder on his Drive, he began to look through the documents taking notes and transferring them into what he's observed and what his thoughts are about the results currently in front of him. The sound of his phone ringing cut him from the work trance he was in.

"Hello?" He asked not bothering to look at the caller ID.


Taehyung was a bit surprised to hear his mother's voice. Its been over three months since he's last talked to her so now that he's getting the chance to finally talk to her...

"Mom hey! Wow it's been a while huh?" He let out a chuckle, "Its so good to hear you. Where's dad?"

"Sweetheart...your father is at the hospital with grandpa."

I sat straight in my seat; work long forgotten. "What? Is everything alright? Are they okay? What's wrong?"

"Your grandpa is suffering serious health problems...the doctors..." He could hear a small sniff on the other end. "The doctors said he might....he might  have a few days to live if they can't figure out what's going on."

Shock was the only thing I was feeling right now, grandpa was in the hospital because of an unknown sickness? What...how could this happen? And he only had a few days to....

"Mom, I'm on my way home okay? I'll be there in a couple of hours. Please stay by grandpa's side and help him fight. I'll be there shortly."

I hung up, shutting my computer down and grabbing my coat along with my car keys. Exiting my office, I walked over to my secretary's desk.

"Samantha, make sure that Jimin is put in charge tomorrow. Just until I get back."

She nodded, "Yes Sir but may I ask where you're going?"

"I'm going to go save someone's life."

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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To Capture A Heart {Vkook}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon