Chapter Twenty Two: Can You Do That?

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        Once we got to the hospital I jumped out of the car. Riley didn't hesitate, either. She was out before I could open the door for her, walking toward the Emergency Room entrance. I followed closely beside her with Harry just on our heels.

        Just as we reached the front desk to ask, I noticed Liam sitting in the corner, his head in his hands. I pulled Riley with me as I made my way toward him.

        "Liam, what happened?" I asked, stopping just at his feet.

        His head raised to see me. I could tell that he had, too, been stressing. "He was driving to the store to buy some groceries and while he was turning in the intersection another car had run a red light and he couldn't stop in time. Of course the other driver was speeding in order to get across before him but they hit head on."

        I could feel the anger pour through me like hot lava. "Where's the son of a bitch?"

        "He's dead," Liam said hesitantly. "He died on impact."

        I balled my hands into fists, my arms shaking violently. I wanted to hit something, someone, anything. "Louis?"

        Liam sighed. "I don't know. He had two broken ribs and a head injury aside from all the cuts and bruises. Someone said something about a collapsed lung but I'm not sure. He's being treated now."

        I crouched for a moment, trying to take it all in. He could have died. I felt a hand at the back of my neck and looked up to see Riley. Her eyes were swollen and puffy from crying, the area around them red. I stood slowly and wrapped my arms around her, allowing myself to cry into her shoulder. Louis was my best friend, my brother. He'd always been there for me. And I couldn't even know with certainty that he was going to be alright.

        That night came and went quickly. The doctor told us that he'd had the broken ribs, a knee fracture, and a moderate head injury. He still hadn't regained consciousness, but he'd promised that Louis would be fine as long as he'd have time to recover properly.

        Riley and I had sat next to Liam, Harry, and Niall. It was about six in the morning, and Riley had fallen asleep on my shoulder at about five. I looked down at her and saw how exhausted she must have been.

        "Niall, do you think you could take her home?" I asked, looked over at him where he sat. He looked impatient, and above all, hungry.

        His eyes darted to Riley and then back to me as he nodded.

        "I'll go, too. I'm beat," Harry said as he stood.

        I looked down at Riley and took her hand in mine. "Hey, the boys are going to take you home. Is that alright?"

        I saw her eyes squeeze together as she woke, a small moan escape her lips.

        "Can Niall and Harry take you home, baby?" I asked again.

        She nodded slowly and I smiled, thanking the heavens that she wasn't about to put up a fight. My hand went up to her cheek as I kissed her forehead. Her eyes fluttered open to see mine. "Go get some rest. You can come back later."

        She nodded again and slowly sat up. I stood with her, my arm around her waist to make sure she wouldn't fall over from exhaustion. Harry's arm came around her and he led her to the car that Niall had pulled up in front of the entrance. I watched as Harry helped her into the back and sat with her before closing the door. I prayed that they'd get home safely before looking over at Liam, who's demeanor hadn't seemed to change since I'd seen him the night before. He was still leaning forward, head in hands. It was like he was frozen in that position.

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