Chapter Eight: No Garbage Disposal

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        Louis led me out of my room and back into the kitchen where Zayn knelt on the floor picking up the mess I'd made. He'd placed all of the broken glass carefully into a grocery bag and was closing it when he realized we were there.

        In a second, he'd stood up and came over to me. "Riley, I am so sorry. I was being such a jerk. I shouldn't have pushed you."

        I shook my head to both sides. "It's fine. I was being stubborn. I should have been more... It's just, it's been a while since I've needed anyone's help."

         I felt Louis' arm wrap around me. "So, what I'm hearing is this. Zayn, you're going to be less pushy and listen to Riley whenever she says you're going too far. And Riley, you're going to be open to more suggestions and let Zayn help you when you need it."

        Zayn and I looked at each other. He looked like he'd already accepted that proposition, while I was still debating in my head whether I was willing to give up to him. I looked up at Louis, his eyes wide, telling me to say yes. Zayn and I both nodded in agreement.

        "Now shake on it," Louis finished.

        I reached out my hand and Zayn took it. We shook hands for a moment until Zayn pulled me to him and enveloped me in a hug. Boy is he touchy.

        I slipped my arms around him as well and we hugged until I decided to let go. He smiled down at me and I returned the gesture.

        "Now," we heard Louis say, already sitting on my lumpy couch, "how'd you guys meet?" He had this devious grin on his face.

        Zayn and I accompanied him in the living room, Zayn sitting on the floor while I snuggled up into Louis' side.

        "Clubbing. I watched her for a while first. She was sitting at the bar drinking what was like her fifth drink-"

        "Third." I interrupted.

        "Alright, her third drink. There was something about her, you know? Maybe it was the miserable way she was sitting, or that she could keep her alcohol down, or the fact that she was the only pretty girl I'd seen all night... When she got up I invited her to dance," Zayn explained.

        "He snuck up on me and pulled me onto the dance floor," I corrected him.

        He shook his head as he leaned back onto his elbows. "No. I asked you if you wanted to dance."

        "No, you told me we were going to dance."       

        Louis got impatient. "Whatever. You danced. What happened there?"

        Zayn talked before I could. "I saw her for real while we were dancing, you know. She looked great, she knew how to dance, and she was all up on me."

        I scoffed. "You had me in a death grip!"

        Louis laughed. "Then what?"

        "He asked if I wanted to leave with him and I did."

        "We were both pretty... On I guess. I didn't want to wait, for sure. So I took her into a tool shed," Zayn said.

        I felt Louis laugh against me and looked up at him, giving him a death glare. Quickly his smile faded. "Zayn, that is so unromantic," he said, looking down at me for approval. I smiled.

        Zayn rolled his eyes. "She wanted to. I wanted to. We went in and I started, well, kissing her. It got heated. And just as I was about to do it she freaks out."

        "I did not freak," I complained.

        "You did too freak. You asked my name," he said to me. "She asked what my name was."

        Louis was practically dying next to me, his laugh echoing through the room. I slapped him on the arm, but he was still laughing hard and long. Soon they were both laughing.

        I sighed. "It was my first time, okay?"

        I felt both Louis and Zayn's eyes on me, Louis' jaw practically on the ground and Zayn's eyebrows pulled together. "What?" they both asked at the same time.

        "You didn't tell me that!" Zayn freaked, leaning forward.

        "You didn't ask! Why'd you think I was so nervous?" I asked him, truly wondering what he'd been thinking that night.

        He couldn't mask the horror on his face. "I just thought it was your first one night stand, not your first time having sex!. Why didn't you say so?"

        I shrugged. "I didn't want you thinking I was naive. You probably would've stopped."

        "I would have stopped!"

        "You got pregnant your first time around?" Louis interrupted and I mentally thanked him for it. "That's rotten luck, for sure."

        I nodded. "Yeah, well, it's done."

        Zayn scratched his eyes. "I wish you'd have told me."

        Louis ran his hand through my hair. "Well, it doesn't matter anymore, does it? Anyway, who's up for food? I'm starving."

        Zayn's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he jumped on his feet. "Oh my God! Riley, you haven't eaten! I'm so sorry! What do you want?"

        I laughed at his reaction. "Anything."

        Both he and Louis went over to the kitchen and began to scurry around, checking out what they should cook.

        I leaned away from my plate of food, never having felt so full in my life. The boys were still eating, Zayn about to clear his plate and Louis not too far behind.

        Zayn's eyes met mine. "Are you alright?"

        "Yeah. Just next time remember I don't eat nearly as much as you do."

        They both smiled and I stood, picking up my plate and dumping what was left into the trash.

        "Leave it there. I'll wash it now," Zayn tells me and I do as he asks.

        "I'm going to shower," I tell them.

        Zayn nods, picking up his plate and walking over to the sink. "Louis and I are going to leave soon. Are you busy tonight?"

        I shook my head. "No."

        "I'll come by later, then," he said.

        "Okay," I smiled, walking over to him and giving him a quick side hug since his hands were already wet and full of dish washing soap. I ran over to Louis and kissed him on the cheek. "Bye."

        Just as I was about to disappear into my room, I turned around to look at them both hovering over the sink, muttering something about garbage disposal.

        "Thank you guys," I said, watching as both their heads snapped up to see me.

        "Anytime," they said at the same time, smiling over at me.

        I turned around again, but before I walked away I spoke again. "There is no garbage disposal."

        "Shit," I heard Louis say, and I walked away laughing.

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