Chapter Sixteen: You're All I Have

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        My relationship with Zayn had improved since our last talk. Although sometimes it felt a bit strange being around him, considering the kiss and all. I normally enjoyed his company.

        Lately he'd decided it was a good idea to get me out of the house, so he'd take me out for breakfast or lunch and sometimes dinner. Other times, Louis and Harry would take me out for shopping sprees. Niall took me to Nando's for the first time. And whenever we didn't go out, Liam would cook some pretty great meals.

        The best part of it all was that Zayn had given me the liberty to come and go as I pleased, seeing as the paparazzi had died down and the fans were seeming to accept me. They'd post such nice things about me on social networks and would root for Zayn and I to become official. We ignored those messages, although they were appreciated.

        Everything was going pretty well, I had to say. They were treating me like a part of the family, and I loved feeling like I was included in their lives.

        I changed into the same summer dress I had worn the day I'd met Zayn at the cafe to tell him I was pregnant, and slipped on some converse. I shrugged my hair into place as I picked up my bag and slung it across my shoulder and over my chest.

        "Hey, I'm ready," I called out to Zayn, who'd invited me out for lunch.

        I searched for him in his room but didn't find neither Louis nor Zayn there. I checked all of the boy's rooms and they were all empty, so I decided to look in the kitchen and living room. As I walked down the hall, I hear a harsh whispering coming from the kitchen. I pushed myself into the wall near the door frame to listen.

        "You are not cancelling your day out with her and that's final," I heard Louis say, his tone angry.

        Zayn sighed, exasperated. "She needs me."

        A cup smacked down onto the counter. "She needs nothing. All she's doing is trying to lure you back to her. No is no," Liam joined in.


        "Damn it, you guys. Do you think I want to go? I don't want to," Zayn protested.

        "Good. Because you're not going," Louis pushed.

        I took a deep breath and entered the room.

        None of the boys seemed to have noticed me there.

        Zayn walked up to Louis to look him the eyes. "Do you have a problem with me, Louis? Because if you do, I suggest you lay off before I make you."

        Louis didn't back off. Instead, he took another step forward. "Are you? Because I'd love to watch you try."

        Harry's eyes met mine and widened. Whatever it was they were arguing about, I wasn't supposed to know. He cleared his throat, but neither of them heard. It only attracted Niall and Liam's attention toward me.

        "You've hurt her enough. You're not going to keep on. I won't let you."

        Zayn scoffed. "So you're going to stop me from walking out that door?" he asked, his expression clearly amused.

        Louis smiled back. "If I have to, yes. Or better, take Riley to go see Perrie with you. Maybe they can meet and become super best friends. How does that sound, Zayn. Because it doesn't look like you're letting either one of them go anytime soon, does it?"

        I felt a pang of jealousy and at the same time, a pride in Louis I'd not felt before. Zayn was going to cancel his plans with me to see Perrie and Louis was so loyal to me he wasn't about to let that happen. I wanted to cry and smile all at once.

One Night With Zayn & Nine Months With His BabyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang