Cynder Malik

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Cynder Malik

Dear Diary,

Hello book thing. My uncle Lou gave me this diary so I could ‘express my feelings like a normal teenage girl’ Well book, I’m anything but normal. First off, my name. Cynder. Sinder? What the heck? Who names their child Cynder? I guess Zayn and Perrie Malik do. Second, my dad is Zayn Malik! Of like, the One Direction. Crazy. I have absolutely zero friends except for my ‘cousins’ that I spend almost every waking moment with. One of them is always around.  Me Darcy and Chrissa hang out a lot, but I hang out with Jackie and Alex a ton too. It’s weird, always being chased around by the press. My dad always says that he misses the days where he could wake up and not care what he looked like. He got that for a bunch of his life, as I’ve always cared what I looked like. I knew how to French braid when I was 7. Crap. I have to go before I start confessing my ‘feelings’.

The One Direction Girlsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें