Chapter 6: Pre-Joker Balletomane

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Watercoloring painting by le me as always. THESE FUCCERS DONT HAVE A NAME? LIKE I searched everywhere and they just don't have one! Please consider that I call them "ballerinas" or "paper dancers"


*Hoping to discover the truth about this world and this devilish clown makes you filled with...


The hot-pink forest was glitter kissed like it always is in the dawn of day and the trees were just as luminescent as they'd been the night before. Although atramentous darkness surrounded this land, making it troublesome for you to distinguish if there's day or night, the serenity and calmness of the dark were, nonetheless, appreciated.

Within your hands, rusty chunks of metal were held in a firm grip. Leaving Jevil's prison floor left you with an imperturbable yet warm state; and now with the two pieces of a key, You were endured on a forthright plan - find the third key piece, fix it, free Jevil and reunite with Susie, Kris, and Ralsei. Seems pretty easy.

You coarsed with the same Jigsawry and Hathy that accompanied you the other day, their guarding garrison is relaxed. Having promised to get you back to the same spot they found you yesterday, they escorted you safely back out of the castle before leaving you to continue your "mission of righteousness." As they liked to call it.

However, you didn't manage to take a step and a half when suddenly familiar voices echoed from behind you: "(Y/n)? (Y/n)!"

"Ah!" - a mass was suddenly glued to your legs. You couldn't turn around to identify the shorter figure when suddenly, another massive weight enveloped you "BAGH!"

"The School Counselor - she's alive!" - It was none other than Susie, Kris, and Ralsei who all jumped on top of you with an unexpected sweet hug, astoundment weighting their hearts. Though what weighed you were three preteens crushing your bones. "Gosh, goodness we were sick worried about you, Miss!"

"Aw, my sweet cinnamon rolls! You're here!" - you tried to breathe once the killing weight stood up from you "I'm so glad to get back to you!

"Wha- Why are you so calm? Miss (Y/n), you were imprisoned, for Pete's sake! We've been running all around trying to get to you as fast as we can!"

"If it weren't for Lancer and those random Hathies that informed us about your well-being, we would've never guessed that you got out!"

"Heh, you should've seen Kris! He was crying like a baby."

Kris embarrassingly punched Susie in the shoulders as she laughed, explaining that he let his mind wander to the worst possibilities that could occur to you... He thought they have tortured you in prison. But Ralsei swept the sorrow off of everyone with his fluffy and sweet demeanor :

"I'm so relieved I could fly out of happiness... Now that this burden is out of our way, (Y/n) is finally back in our team! Cue the fanfare!"


"Stop with the Fanfares dude!"


After absurd and bamboozling laughs, the squad was back at it together. However, it didn't mean you could relax just yet - you were ought to tell Susie, Kris, and Ralsei about your upcoming plans, and most importantly, about JEVIL:

Your younger peers circled you, curiosity filling their mind. They listened patiently as you rehearse everything that went on with you during your absence. At first, they thought everything was settled - but when you started telling them about your 'new friend', their full attention was drawn towards you. Hence, pulling out two key pieces, you revealed them your intentions.

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