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Chapter 8

"What's chasing us?" Doris asked amid gasps.

"People on human-heart-nutrition-diet, no doubt," Adam panted. He looked behind. Yes, Jasper and his hard-faced commander, Wahl, were chasing them. PointyBeard was nowhere to be seen. Hopefully, a good thing,

The ground suddenly turned swampy.

"Doris!" shouted Adam as he felt himself sinking fast. He saw Doris turn and for a second he wondered if she would leave him.

Doris looked behind Adam. The two faerie guards were so close. They would catch up with Adam if he didn't get free. She ran back and held out her arm, "C'mon!"

Adam tried to reach forward but his body felt so heavy. He looked behind. Damn fast wings! The faeries were nearly on them. "You run, Doris! I'll take care here."

Even in the time of immediate danger, Doris found time to roll her eyes, "Please Adam, stop being so chivalrous and grab my hand."

Adam tried again but, "I can't reach your hand. Its too short!"

"Very funny," Doris replied. An idea struck her and she stepped back, "Wait, let me try something!" She visualised a huge block of ice lifting Adam. It was tough and even though she wasn't doing any physical work she felt herself weakening and her muscles began to ache.

"What are you doing staring stupidly at my feet?" Adam cried. "Woah!"

A huge ice block broke free from the swamp and roughly deposited Adam on to the hard ground. A small flame landed next to him and the swamp started slowly increasing in width.

Doris' body wanted to sit down and relax but she pulled Adam up and together they ran into the crowd, dodging fireballs.

Behind them the crowd erupted in applause.

"I don't know how they did it!"

"Magnificent special effects."



Jasper and Wahl were forced to land and enter the crowd to find the Doris and Adam.

"Where did they go?" Jasper asked.

Wahl stomped his foot, still managing to look proud and handsome, "Call Tinley (no doubt PointyBeard!) and ask him if he sees them anywhere."

"Yes, sir!" Jasper put a hand to his ear and communicated through faerie network.

Wahl bent down to pick up a piece of pizza. He sniffed it. That half-faerie! He took a few steps forward and found another piece and another and so on.

"Jasper, I have a trail," he said. "Humans are so dull. They always leave behind something that us faeries can use to our advantage. Let's find them quickly and call it a day. I hate this cat and mouse game that humans love to play."

Together they followed the pizza crumbs, relaying the current development to PointyBeard who was stationed beside the goodie house where the two fugitives had shown quite some interest.

Doris and Adam watched from behind a huge cut-out of Beyonce.

"That was pretty cool," Adam said.

Doris nodded, "I know, I have all the brains."

"Where did you get the idea to drop the misleading pizza crumbs?"

"While searching for the exhibit at the café I read Hansel and Gretel to be on the safe side. In case, some research would come in handy and what can I say? Hansel inspired me. My enterprising skills always come in handy." Modesty was definitely not one of Doris' talents.

The Fairytale Life of Doris McQueen [#1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now