"Why must you persist in this insanity?" Splinted fought Shredder
"You took Tang Shen from me." He awenserd
"She was never yours!"

"Run for you ever-lovin' lives because they're abducting us! That's right, men, women, children.Even pets aren't safe."

"Kraang must collect human specimens for Kraang."

"We gotta get in one of those pods." Leo said as they sneaked up
"But how? There are eight Kraang droids between us and there." Donnie said
"We could create a diversion." Leo said
"But there are eight of us!" Urte tried stating a fact
"Excuse me, how many did you say there were?" Raph asked
"Eight." Leo awenserd
"We could all dress up like robots, sneak in." Mikey said
"That would be one freaky robot" said Martyna
"Or I could try to override their security codes by..." Donnie took his Tphone. They heard thumps and kicks over where the kraang where, Raph had beaten them all
"Or that might work." Simona said
"Let's go." Leo said
"I don't think the pod will fit us all" Simona said looking at it
"No! It has to!" Donnie said
"It won't" Simona said sadly
"In that case you and Iveta go with them" Urte said
"What no way!" Raph said runing to her
"Go! April needs you! Me and Martyna will get to Splinter" Urte said
"We will?" Martyna askes worriedly
"Yes! Now come on!" Urte said pulling her
"Be carefull!" Mikey shoted
"Come on!" Leo said as they cramped into the pod

"You never had anything but your hatred.And if you defeat me, you will have nothing!" Sensei spoke
"That is where you are wrong.You took something from me so I took something from you.Your daughter." Shredder said
"No.It can't be..." Splinter was in shock

"Okay, guys, this is it.On three.One, two, three." Leo opned the pod
"Whoa! What the heck's going on?" Simona said as they started floting
"I think the Kraang forgot to pay their gravity bill!" Mikey said
"It appears the Kraang have generated anti-gravitons." Donnie said
"Is there any way for you to generate anti-anti-gravitons?" Leo asked
"You mean gravitons?" Donnie asked
"Yes." Leo awenserd
"No." Donnie awenserd
"Guys, I'm gonna throw up.Or down.Or maybe sideways.But one thing's for sure.I'm majorly gonna throw." Mikey said as a pod lightly hit him
"We still have a job to do, so let's go." Leo said

"Yo, zero-g is banging.The Kraang should turn this into a carnival ride." Mikey said
"Uh, I think they're more interested in using it to destroy the Earth." Simona said
"It could do both." Mikey smiled, theu heard a loud scream
"It's April!" Donnie shouted
"Can you say that a little louder? I don't think the entire Technodrome heard you." Raph said as a bunch of kraang apeared in front if them
"Never mind.They did."

"Yes.Yes! It's working!" Kraang prime shouted
"That can't be good." Leo said as the ship powered up

Urte and Martyna ran for Shredders lair as fast as they could, but noticed the technodrome powering up
"Are you sure they're okay?" Mari asked Urte
"Uh, I think they are fine. Let's go!" Urte ran

"It's over, Hamato.Soon, you will be no more.And your own daughter will go through her life cursing your name!" Shredder fought Splinter

"April O'Neil, your mind belongs to Kraang.Soon, your world will be ours.Let the planetary mutation begin.Witness the end of your kind." Kraang spoke
"Not if we can help it." Leo said
"The turtles? Kraang will not be stopped by pathetic mutants." Kraang prime shouted
"At least we're not stupid aliens." Mikey said
"Raph, quick." Leo said as Raph kicked kraang in the face
Meaniwhile Donnie freed April
"You're my hero." She smiled, Donnie chuckled
"Hey, chuckles. We gotta get out of here." Rapg said
"Let's go!" Leo ordered

Sensai was about to kill Shredder but
"No!" A scream came as Karai started protecting Shredded
"Father." Karai ran to Saki
"Karai.That rat is Hamato Yoshi."
"Miwa." Sensei was dazed
"My name is Karai.Father told me what you did to my mother.And now I'm going to return the favor." Karai went to attack
"No." Sensai ran
"Why won't you fight? Coward!" Karai shouted as Sensai ran away

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