The wind was blowing through my hair, which I stupidly didn't tie up, and I enjoyed the rush I got from pushing every limit.

The end was too soon as I reached the bottom in what seemed like seconds.

Seconds later Will followed, looking amused as he turned back to stare up the hill.

"What?" I asked, still feeling the adrenaline of what I had just done.

"Oh, wait for it." He stifled a laugh.

I followed his line of sight to see Max gently skiing down with Ellie and Shae, looking absolutely mortified, as they wobbled in their skis. They looked like they would fall every time they changed direction, and the sight was absolutely hilarious.

"Woah, Max, how do I stop?!" Shae looked at him for help but he was already reaching us.

The two girls followed and managed to fall over, rolling down until they were right in front of us.

"Glad you could join us." I lied, laughing.

"Alex, you were amazing! We have to go again." Will stared at me, impressed and trying to stop himself from laughing.

"Yes! Let's try a harder slope." I agreed.

'Don't.' I heard his voice in my head making me stop in my tracks.

'Why not?' I was here to ski so why couldn't I go?

'Just.. Don't.'

That one word seemed more like a command but, I didn't care. I wasn't going to stop myself from having fun if he wasn't even willing to give me a good enough reason for not going.

"Alex, you coming?" Will turned back to see that I wasn't following him.

"Yeah." I nodded, but not before turning back to look at Max. He was looking at me but his attention was torn away when Shae extended her arm out asking him to help her up.


I had enjoyed the slopes, each one seemed to be better than the last, it was also a good way to distract myself from when I last saw Max. Did he end up helping Shae as they skiied?

I was changing into some comfortable clothes after having taken a warm shower.

The sweater from yesterday would do and a pair of blue jeans would hopefully be warm enough considering I was staying in the house.

Walking down the stairs, I was met by Will who appeared out of nowhere and grinned at my shocked expression.

"That was awesome!" He looked really happy.

I laughed. "Yeah. I haven't skiied like that in so long!" I had missed it.

"Obviously I was better than you but.." He laughed.

"Yeah right." I playfully hit him as we reached the living room.

"What are you two laughing about?" Max stood there, his gaze on my hand on Will's arm.

I quickly retracted it and replied. "Nothing. Why?"

"No reason. You guys were taking a long time so I was on my way to tell you food is ready. I guess there's no need." He muttered the last part as he turned away.

What was wrong with him today? He was especially moody.

We sat at the table enjoying a great meal. Isaac had prepared so much food for New Year's saying that it was a special occasion. I couldn't wait for it to be midnight and to celebrate it all together, even if we were a weird group of friends especially considering that Ellie and Shae were here.

Max kept staring at me the whole time making me anxious as Shae and Ellie would keep glaring at me. The others didn't seem to notice though so I guess we were safe.

"I can't wait! We have champagne right!?" Cathy exclaimed as she looked around the table.

"Yeah yeah, it's only 8 o'clock you know." Will shook his head at his over enthusiastic sister.

"Yes! We're watching movies until then. I suggest The Notebook or the Vampire Diaries or-"

"Do we have to?" Will groaned and pouted.

"Yes!" She shot her brother a glare.

"I don't get what you mean Will, those are great movies to see with the girls." Ace winked at them.

"They're not even Christmas movies." Will protested.

Everyone cleaned up the table and was watching one of the movies except for Max who had left somewhere, waiting for the time to pass as the new year drew near.

During one of my favourite scenes, Ellie spoke quietly. "Oh yeah, Alexa, do you think you could get the champagne? I was in the study and left it there." She said acting like she felt bad for forgetting it.

"Oh, yeah sure." I nodded and stood up.

I walked to the study and picked up the fancy bottle on the desk. Remembering what happened here and the feel of Max's arms, I smiled as I left the room.

"I'll take that." Shae looked at me, almost with a sneer.

"Um sure."

"Alexa, I know we got off on the wrong foot but, Max left an hour ago and still hasn't come back. I'm really worried about him. Can you go find him?"

"What? Yeah, of course." What was Max doing outside at this time?

I rushed to get my coat, scarf and hat as I ran out through the door. If only I had seen the mischievous grin that was on Shae's face as I left.

Oh, what will happen next? ;)
Hope you enjoyed, don't forget to comment and like! It would mean a lot to me.

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