A crocodile-shaped cloud monster stood outside, mic in hand. They stood in front of a building, his soul grew heavy at the name. The Central Aquarium, non-creatively named as everything else in this state.

" We're here today to cover the newest attraction at the Central Aquarium, a siren. Yes, they exist. Fascinating, isn't it? The creature was accidentally caught and disabled by a fisher's net off the coast. The poor thing cannot go free, due to the injuries it has received, but the Aquarium plans to give it a tank to provide the best life it can have."

Papyrus couldn't believe this. " It". "The best life." He clenched his fists, attempting to ease his anger. The camera was given to the reports inside, who purposely avoided filming the tank with the purpose of making people curious enough to attend themselves. They did, however, show the crowd of human and monsters lining the street just to get a peak. He felt nauseous. He felt so damn guilty. Sans was back there because of him. And the siren was entirely alone, this time.

Toriel graciously turned off the TV, all having heard enough.

" Alphys, do you still have access to Mr. Stevenson's more... dubious information?" Asgore questioned, the first to break the heavy silence.

" Y-yes."

" Good, we will need that. We will have to bring this to court, and we will need all the evidence we can get. Asgore and I will find a good lawyer, you three should head to the Aquarium to see if you can inform Sans of the situation" Toriel stated, red eyes gleaming with her anger.

" Will do, come on Al, Paps" Undyne gave a brief salute before she grabbed the keys, heading to the door. Papyrus and Alphys followed, not wanting to waste any time.

It was a three-hour drive, from their home to the city, and another driving to the designated building. It was terribly crowded, the line had seemed even longer than it had on the TV. But who were they, if they didn't at least try to see their friend? It was better to wait in line with hopes of seeing their friend, than to wait at home feeling anxious and useless. People entered and left in large groups, not doubt that there was a scheduled duration to allow more people in.

The three got in on what must of been the last group of the day. Papyrus felt sick at the ignorant enthusiasm around him, the chatter of the clueless humans and monsters around them. Their group arrived to the "main attraction", the large shark tank. It was long, white sand lining the bottom, false coral decorating the ground and sides. Other colorful fish shared the space, clueless of those staring in at them.

There was no cover to speak of, no where for Sans to hide. No break or reprieve from the stares, the excited taps on glass, the all too loud chatter calling him an it, a thing, an animal.

Sans was anxiously swimming, pacing, the bottom of the tank. Faced away from the crowd at the moment, attempting to find a way out. Who knew how long the other had been doing this? Who knew if the siren had already hurt himself from stress? Sans turned, the terror across his skull is all too evident, eyelights scanning the crowd but not seeing them.

He did this. He had to fix this.

The siren does another two laps before he finally notices them- his eyelights flickered out when they make contact. Papyrus wouldn't blame him if he was mad, if he felt hurt, betrayed, because Papyrus had promised. He had promised the smaller would never go back to them.

Yet here they were.

Sans still hadn't moved, Papyrus got as close to the tank as possible. Enough for the smaller to be able to read his hands.

'I'm So Sorry This Happened. We Will Get You Out' He signed, ignoring the few curious by-standers that noticed their interaction. Sans seemed to fight with himself, before he gave him, as he always did.

A fishy tailWhere stories live. Discover now