Chap 13, 14

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Papyrus wasn't too surprised to find he slept in.

Yesterday had been a very eventful, everything from moving, to their late night chat. It had been taxing on the both of them. Sans was still asleep, skull still resting on his chest. The taller skeleton was careful as he moved the other from him and onto the pillows, to let the other sleep in a while longer. Papyrus headed down the stairs, to the kitchen to help with the chores.

Toriel was sitting at the table, frowning in concentration at her knitting.

" Good Morning, Mother! How Are You?" He greeted, giving her a quick embrace before heading over to the still-full sink. The skeleton began on his duty of finishing the dishes.

" I am well, my child. I do believe this is the longest you've ever slept in. Even Alphys woke up before you" Toriel commented, smiling at the groan the statement caused.

" I do believe you soon will become a boneified lazy bones" She continued. Papyrus's groan became more of a scream in nature at the pun.

" I May Of Slept In Today, But!! I Am No Lazy Bones!" Papyrus protested. The goat monster chuckled at his protests, continuing to knit in a less serious mood.

" Your friend, Sans, he.... is awful skittish. The poor dear" She sighed, " does he have any idea of what he wants to do? have you two talked about a possible leg prosthetic?"

" Sans...... Has Had A Hard Life. He Said That, For Now, He Wants To Stay With Us" Papyrus informed, hoping she wouldn't catch onto the fondness in his voice. It was bad enough that Undyne and Alphys were teasing him, he would prefer it if his mother didn't tease him as well. If the knowing chuckle heard behind him meant anything, Toriel did catch onto it.

" As For The Bone Replacement? It Hasn't Come Up Yet, But I Will Be Sure To Tell Him About It! What Are Undyne And Alphys Doing?" Papyrus changed the subject to avoid a potential talk of feelings. She let it slip for now, thankfully.

" They are bringing in the boxes. Undyne said that you do not have to worry about helping them, seeing as they left you to do all the dishes. Are you and Sans hungry? I could begin making dinner"

" D-Dinner? Did We Really Sleep In That Late?!" Papyrus was briefly panicked, but the grin on her face answered his question. He sighed dramatically at her antics.

" I'm sorry dear" she chuckled, " would you like to help me when it is time? It was been quite awhile since we've cooked together. Perhaps you can convince Sans to join us, too?"

" I Would Love To! I Will Ask Him. Speaking Of, I Suppose I Should Go Wake Him, We're Going To Explore Dad's Garden" Papyrus informed, she gave a nod. With the dishes done, the tall skeleton headed back up the stairs to the room the two were sharing.

Sans was still curled underneath the blankets. He looked more rested than he had before, which was good. Sleep would help with the healing process, after all. Papyrus was gentle as he shook the other awake, Sans frowned up at him in confusion.

"Good Morning. Are You Hungry?" He asked. Sans shook his head, still denying food. Papyrus would let it slide this time, seeing as they would be having dinner in only a couple of hours. Maybe he'd be able to convince the other to eat a snack, later.

" Remember How You Said You Liked The Surface Flowers?"

Sans frowned in thought, attempting to recall the day before. He nodded, confused still.

" My Dad Has A Flower Garden. I Thought That, Maybe, You'd Like To See It? Only If You Want To, Of Course" Papyrus offered. The taller had wanted something to put the other in a better mood, and it seemed he succeeded, seeing how the other's eyelights grew brighter at the offer. Sans nodded and pushed himself into a sitting position, Papyrus handed the crutches to him. He was impressed at how well the siren was getting used to using them to walk, and though he lacked the stamina to go very far, Sans rarely ever tripped.

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