Chap 5, 6

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It'd long since been unofficially decided that Papyrus was in-charge of Sans. Today, it was finally officially decided that Papyrus was the "Sole Keeper" of Sans. A title that had been decided when Charlie Stevenson, their Boss, had noted that Papyrus was the only one who could get close without being bitten, splashed, or drowned. Which, was great! Because it meant Papyrus got more time with Sans, to get to know him better. Sans, however, preferred Papyrus to do the talking. He wasn't a chatty, (ha), person to begin with, a more withdrawn and observant personality. He was one of the few people who could stand Papyrus's chatter, which was something he was very grateful for.

Ever since their chat, Sans had seemed in more of a better mood. There were days where he still refused to move, days were sleep evaded him, but that was expected after that kind of loss. Papyrus would always do his best to try and comfort his friend, if the mermaid accepted it. He was pleased to find that Sans did find comfort with him--- he always fell asleep to the sound of his reading.

During their last visit, Papyrus had made a disgusting discovery. Sans liked ketchup. Ketchup!! Of all nasty things in this world, Ketchup.

The expression he'd made at the sight of the smaller skeleton licking it off his fingers must of shown it all. Sans had found it amusing, face lighting up in a grin far brighter than he'd ever seen. Of course, Sans had to ruin the sight by reaching his dirty fingers to wipe it on him. Still, despite the disgust of the discovery, Papyrus had found it wonderful to see Sans genuinely happy. So he'd brought a few packets today with the sushi, and internally prayed Sans wasn't terrible enough to eat them together.

No such luck, as the first thing Sans did (after signing 'thank you') was squeeze the ketchup onto the roll. Papyrus couldn't repress the cringe of horror-- Sans looked him in the eyes, knowingly, as he took a bite.

" After You Finish Being Disgusting, There's Something We Have To Do Today! Your Wound Is Looking A Lot Better, And While It's Not Fully Healed Yet, It's About Time We Start To Take Measurements" Papyrus informed him. Sans rolled his eyes at the comment, but gave a thumbs-up to show he agreed to go with their plans. Papyrus nodded to himself, jumping to his feet to head down the stairs.

" I Will Be Right Back! Undyne And I Will Need To Get The Kiddy Pool Set Up!"

After being sure Sans knew he'd be back, Papyrus raced down the stairs to where his two best friends watched in awe.

" Y'know, I don't think I'll ever get used to you being able to talk to him. Did you know Kim got her finger bit off?! Wild man" Undyne commented, wiggling her hand in consideration. The other two hoped desperately that she wouldn't ask Sans to copy that incident.

" Yes, In Fact, I Am Aware! You Have Told Us This Fact At Least Twice After I Talk With Sans. While It Was Very Rude And Unnecessary, Kim Shouldn't Of Tried To Force Him Out Of The Water With Nets!!" Papyrus couldn't help but defend Sans. Those nets could've been dangerous, they were only used in situations where the animal couldn't come to the surface to breathe (if they needed it), was hurting it's self, or if there was some other sort of emergency. IF sans had panicked, those stitches could've torn out and everything would've had to be redone from the beginning.

" P-plus, uh, she's a human, so it was sewn back on anyway" Alphys added, thankfully in the mermaid's defense too. Undyne nodded, clearly not disagreeing on that stance.

" Yeah, that was rude as fuck. Did Kim ever say why she and Greg did that?" Undyne frowned. The three headed towards the kiddy pool's box, somehow the box was even more ruined than last time. He was certain that they remembered to drain the water before putting it away last time.

" Language!"

" I'm speaking common" Undyne replied snarkily.

" Ha And Ha. But, In Regards To Your Question: No, Not Really."

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