22. The Day Everything Got Confusing

Start from the beginning

"What?" I whispered, trying to straighten my shirt. My jeans felt so tight as they itched at my legs. They were only the tip of an already massive iceberg.

"You don't remember…" he mumbled with another grin, "You came over here last night."

That's when I suddenly stopped all my efforts to release myself from the bedding. Instead, I fell back, confounded by the statement.

"I…came here?" I whispered.

He nodded and then looked away. "You were…um-you were crying…"

And that was the moment I remembered everything; just everything.

My hangover. My mothers speech. Skipping gym. Going to the Welle's house. Listening to Bastion's mysterious lecture. Playing with Bastion. Kissing Bastion. And then of course…having Bastion scream at me to leave and never return.

Somehow…that all had just seemingly left my mind…at lease for a good two minutes.

"Oh yeah…that," was all I could murmur when every memory sunk in.

Leon glanced over. "You didn't say anything…you just cried. So…I listened."

With a careful glance, for the first time I found Leon's presence making me tense. I felt embarrassed for coming here. Somehow, in the back of mind, I thought this would be held over me in the future. I should've just gone home. The nightmares would've been worse but…I would be alone.

"My parent's just think you stayed over to watch Hannah…they don't mind," Leon mumbled as he entered the room, "It's not weird that you stayed… at all. So…don't…worry or anything. You're not worried…are you?"

It took whatever guts I had left to shake my head. "No…I'm fine."

Although smile didn't grace his mouth, his face glowed. "Good then…now get out of bed. It's breakfast time."

I knew everything wasn't alright and I knew Leon wanted to know more.

But I was hungry…and I guess breakfast time didn't sound too bad.

"Mommy, I want bacon."

"No dear…you already had sausage. You'll turn into a piece of meat. Eat some eggs."

The little girls face turned up as her time limbs crossed upon her chest. With a pouting expression, Hannah stuffed a fork load of eggs into her mouth and then proceeded to slump down into the oblivion that was her chair.

"Drama Queen…" Leon muttered, sitting next to me. He stuck out his tongue at his sister as he picked up a piece of bacon and ate it boasting in front of his annoyed and bacon-crazed sister. I smiled, my heart pounding as the Mokena parents joined the table.

This wasn't the first time I had seen Leon's parents. I met Eli and Yuri Mokena a few times. Once when Leon was picked up from school I saw his mother wave hello. I formally met them when they came home the night I babysat Hannah with Leon. I found Yuri very kind and endearing. She repeatedly asked me to baby-sit again…for reasons I did not know. Eli, on the other hand, seemed distance.

And coming from me…that's really distance.

"So Mary, did you have a fun time watching Hannah last night?" Yuri inquired, grasping her orange juice, "I didn't really see."

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