"Well?!" Tez said looking for answers.

"She has all of those!" I started panicking. "Her boobs look bigger, she was sick a few weeks ago, and she threw up last night!"

"I told you! How could you not realize?!" Tez started to freak out with me.

"I don't know! I thought that shit was normal!" I stressed just as Claudia came in.

"What are you guys yelling about?" She asked stuffing ice cream sandwiches in her mouth.


"Condoms..." Tez blurted out making me want to punch him. "..birth control. You know, the things to use so you DON'T get pregnant."

I hit Tez so he would shut up. Claudia just nodded suspiciously.

"Well I'm gonna go." Tez said. "Good luck."


The rest of the day i spent stressing over the fact that my girlfriend might be pregnant. It didn't help that she was throwing hints at me throughout the day.

"Awww these are so cute." Claudia said picking up a baby sized Jordan shoe as we walked around the store. "This would be so cute for the baby."

My eyebrows furrowed. Now she's dropping hints?

Flashback over

And then when we came home...

"Hayes what are we going to do with the extra rooms in the house?" Claudia asked as we passed them on the way to our room.

"I don't know." I shrugged. As we walked into our room. "Guest?"

"Baby room." Claudia said as she layer down on the bed.

My heart started pounding again.

Flashback over

That has been it since then. Now we were at the kitchen counter as Claudia made food.

"Tomorrow I'm gonna go to the mall to get a new bra. Mine are getting too small." Clau said.

I looked up from my phone. "So your saying that your boobs grew?"

"That's what normally happens when your bra is too small, Hayes." She stated the obvious.

"Aww hell nah." I said getting up from the counter and running upstairs.

I walked into my room with my head in my hands. How could i let this happen? Wait, this isn't my fault, she said she was on the pill!

"What is wrong with you?!" Claudia followed me into the room.

"Are you pregnant?" I blurted out making Claudia look down.

Her facial expressions softened. "Hayes, i was going to tell you.."

My heart dropped to my stomach.

Suddenly, Claudia started dying of laughter on the bedroom floor. I was very confused.

"Hayes, you really thought i was pregnant?" She said in between laughs.

I nodded concerned.

"I'm not pregnant." Claudia said. Relief washed over me and i could breath again.

"What about the thing about the baby shoes?" I asked talking about the hints she had been dropping.

"For your brother and is pregnant girlfriend? You know your nephew." Claudia said as it all made sense.

"Oh." I said looking down. "What about the extra room thing?"

"Also talking about to your nephew, if they came over, the baby would have somewhere to hangout." Claudia explained to me.

Now everything made sense. I sat down on my bed with my hands in my head.

"Your 100% sure your not pregnant?" I reassured.

She nodded and sat down next to me to rest her head on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath. "I love you."

Claudia looked up at me. "I love you too."


I am so determined to finished this damn book, but i don't know how to end it. Send me some suggestions.

Twins ~ Hayes GrierDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora