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I walked into my apartment with my jaw dropped. I dropped all my bags in the small hallway leading to the living room. The living room was large with gray and white furniture. I looked up seeing stairs connected to my loft.

I ran up the stairs and looked at the gray bedding my mom had picked out for me. Everything was so clean i loved it.

I went back downstairs going and walked from the living room to the open kitchen with a white marble island with an envelope and a note.

Dear Clau,
I have left you some money to go grocery shopping cause that was the one thing i didn't do today. I hope this is enough money to stock up the kitchen.

Love, Mom❤️

I opened the envelope and pulled out $500.


After going to coles (austailian Safeway) and unpacking, i FaceTimed Hayes again.

It rang, and rang and finally picked up.

"It takes you that long to get to your apartment?" He laughed make me smile.

"No." I replied. "I unpacked and went to Coles and unpacked that also."

"What the hell is Coles?" Hayes said confused.

I giggled. "It's like Safeway."


We spent hours talking on the phone till Hayes mom came in.

"Hayes you need to go to sleep. You have school in the morning." His mom said and that's when i realized it was close to 11pm there and only 3pm in Australia.

"Hey Liz." I said loudly hoping she could hear me.

"Hey sweety. How is Australia?" She asked politely.

"It's good. You guys will have to come and visit us sometime." I said.

"Of course we will. Hopefully soon." Liz said making me smile. It makes me happy that this whole time i wouldn't have to just speak to Hayes through a screen. "Well, Hayes has to get to be. I'll talk to you soon."

"Okay mom, you can leave now." Hayes said making me laugh a little.

"Bye Liz." I said before she left the room.

"So, tomorrow i don't know if I'm going to be able to call you because we have football championships tomorrow at 5 so the only time i can call u is at 12pm." Hayes said.

"Which is 5am here." I finished.


"Whatever...just know I'm going to look like shit." I laughed.

"Shut up. You never look like shit." Hayes said making me smile again. "Well i got to go. Love you."

"Love you too." I said before the call ended.

I sat up in my bed i was in and yawned because i am a little jet lagged considering i should be asleep in California right now.

I laid pack down and went to sleep.

Twins ~ Hayes GrierNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ