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"Jiminie!~"A girl call my name. There she is. Y/n, my next door bestie. Why don't we came together?  Well...I'm a prefect need to came early then a normal student.

" much I told you don't call me that and...'oppa' in the end." I said

"Hmm..." she came near me and continue"Jimin oppa?" She said as she tilt her head...and I thought that it was cute.

"That's good" I said

"Nah...Jiminie is good"she said and skip inside the school and I just move my head side to side.


"Shh...if I'm here they would never bullied you again okay? I promise I will be on your side forever" I said even I know I'm not the one who decide our fate.


"I promise you...I will come back okay? Don't worry" I said as I went in my parents car

"Hmm...okay" she said

"Bye y/n!" I said

"Bye Jiminie oppa" she said....wait she call me oppa? Oof...I can't believe it warm my heart.


"Now that your Jiminie is not here. We can do what we want to do at you" Saeyeon the bully said to me as she grab my hair.

It's been 2 years since Jimin left this city. He still didn't come back even he already promise. Where are you? They are torturing me...

It's Been a Long Time {Park Jimin FF}✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें