Kevin dirty blonde, almost brown hair was wet as if he just had taken a shower. His grey t-shirt had some darker grey lines on it from water and was wearing a pair of black shorts. He looked up after a couple of seconds and saw Mason first like he was expecting him but then his eyes meet mine and he lit up like a freaking candle.

"Little Midget! How fun to see you here" Kevin took off his headphones letting them rest around his neck. He took one big step up to me and brought his arm around my neck bringing me into a dreadlock.

"Kevin, get off," I told him bitterly and tried to shove him off. But with like all the guys I know he was stronger than me and I couldn't get out. I tried to hit his hand but that didn't really work and he just laughed at me and gave me a noogie. Hard.

"I see you haven't gotten any bigger since last time" He teased as I tried to get his arm off.

"And I see that you haven't gotten less of an asshole"

He took hold of my waist and in no seconds he had me upside down. I looked at the upside down Mason but he didn't look like he was about to do anything but only gave me a thumbs up like he was saying "you got this" moved into the house to get Amy.

"Hey is that what you say to your elders?" Kevin asked me and brought me higher in the air so he could see my face. He was grinning widely and was definitely finding amusement from this. Oh, how I wanted to punch his face in right now.

"Oh yeah. I thought I saw some grey hairs and wrinkles" I said looking at his face closer.

"Ha Ha. Did you think it's funny?" He asked challenging.

"Yeah, I did" I nodded.

"oh yeah?" He raised an eyebrow.


He started walking over to the pond on the side of the house beside the big oak tree they had there, shading the water from the sun. Now it was time to start panicking. And praying.

"Kevin! Stop!!" I scream and I struggled to get out of his hold but couldn't so I settled for hugging his legs. And it wasn't helping that all the blood in my body was rushing towards my face and was starting to build up a headache.

Kevin being Kevin was only laughing and holding me over the water as best as he could with me holding onto his legs for my dear life. He was fake dropping me making me scream every time. The tips of my hair were wet and every time he brought me further down more hair got drenched in the pond water.

"Kev! Put Lara down this instant!" My savior, his big sister and Mason's girlfriend Amy screamed "Can't you see how red her face is! What is wrong with you!"

"Chill sis, I was only joking," Kevin said and put me down on the ground. I huffed out a breath of air.

"That is not a joke you stupid idiot," Amy said and hit her on the back of his head. "Lara are you okay?" She asked and took my face in her hands.

I smiled at her "Yeah I guess" I said and looked over at Kevin to smirk making his narrow his eyes.

° ° °

The first thing I did when I got home was to take a shower. A long warm refreshing shower. I probably stood in the shower for an hour, getting lost in the songs I were playing and singing. Plus, it's a great way of irritating my brothers by singing as loud as possible. I usually get a couple rough knocks on the wall to shut me up and a couple of screams but that just makes it more amusing.

But they usually get me back by going downstairs and turning on the tap downstairs making the water burning hot so it burns making me scream that go followed by laughs.

Being the Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now