My brain is uwu'ing all over the place

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Polyamory imagines I guess

Group cuddles. You don't even need a blanket.

Breakfast. A shit ton of bacon and eggs and toast.

The time of month. So many cuddles and movies and maps and fridge raids.

Dysphoria. The non-cis ones cuddle and compliment each other and paint nails (if comfy) and it's nice.

Movies. That one big group that takes up more space and is a bit rambunctious until the movie starts, then they're completely silent. Popcorn fights too.

Fights. Everyone has everyone's backs.

Sleep. Giant bed, so many blankets.

Something I talked about earlier and just want to mention here.

Regressing. Soo many CG's. Maybe a lot of babs. Idk.

Anyway yeah fanfiction does this to me.

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