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So my family and I just went zip lining and the guides were really cool! There was a 20-year old dude who joked a lot, and a slightly older lady, probably 20-30 years old.

The guy was named Alex and he was literally the most awesome person I've met (recently)! He said he likes Bo Burnham, memes, etc (my kind of humor), and at first just made jokes. Then when we got on a longer line, he made a point of talking kinda quietly and beginning to go down the line. I personally found that pretty funny. We met up again on a platform (because ziplines) and he accidentally calls someone Megan, because there were multiple Megans and he goofed a bit. Then we, as a group, decided that we were all called Megan, including the guides. The female guide came in last and we yelled "Megaaaannnn!" at her because she was last and we could all take a joke. It was pretty great! There was a bridge part and it was really shaky and, of course, Alex shook it a bit just to mess with us! It was pretty spoopy for me but also fun!

Quick note: This zip lining thing was my idea, and my siblings didn't want to go along. They enjoyed it in the end!

Anyway, my siblings and I talked about a bunch of different things with him, one of which was anime. I have the kanji for Dragon, Strength, and Male on my arm at the moment and I showed him. He thought it was cool. We chatted about Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, AOT, and a bunch of other animes.

Also the lady person had a death eater tattoo on her arm and it was really cool!

I could ramble for longer, but this is the main bit!

It was a really fun human experience!


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