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I don't mean for this to be so clickbait-esque of a title...


-I want to wear dresses sometimes but I don't because then people in my real life wouldn't take me seriously and they would use it as more reason to invalidate me

-I have had extreme anger issues since childhood. I am not getting into deep dark details about this.

-I have also had a soft heart since childhood. I cry at the smallest things but sometimes things are too difficult and I can't even cry. It's weird.

-I constantly have dozens to hundreds to even millions of thoughts swarming in my brain. Some are good and most are either bad or neutral. I try to be hopeful but fail and end up worrying about every little thing that could go wrong just from one main thing and the choices I could make.

-I have always felt guilty way too easily. Always. Again, since early childhood.

-I have way too many secrets but some of them are too much to say. Plenty of people have reason to say this and I am one of them.

-I try not to lie and do better at this on the internet than in real life.

-I have suicidal thoughts very often for no reason sometimes.

-I am so very against animal abuse that if I see you hit a dog I will not hesitate to put you back in your place. But, as a fucked up kid, I drowned a mouse and manually choked another. I still feel guilty.

-I write things in weird ways and then feel guilty or nervous or whatever about it and this makes a bunch of other stupid thoughts and I get weird for a bit after updating some stuff sometimes.

-I don't always like attention. This can happen when I'm in any mood. I get quiet and work on art or something when I want to be alone, no matter what base mood (happy, sad).

I need to sleep but I can't and now I have less self-control when it comes to making stuff for some reason.

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