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"You may go in peace. Mass has ended." 

The small boy did the sign of the cross and bowed his head lightly towards his father, the pastor of their town's church.

His soft brown hair was fairly long, in what most would call a mullet. Big doe eyes stared at the people slowly leaving Mass, he waited for everyone to exit before he did so himself.

Everywhere he looked, people stared at him with smiles on their faces, adoration for the boy clear as day in their eyes.

He smiled back politely, showing them his famous boxed smile that had the elderly women cooing at him.

His father was outside, greeting and blessing those who were leaving the mass. 

He slowly walked out as well; a leather-bound Bible clutched tightly against his chest. It was his signature look. Everywhere he went, he always carried his Bible.

He always wanted to spread the word of the Lord to anyone willing to listen. He wanted to show others that you can reach so much goodness in your life if you follow His word.

"Sweetheart, you did fantastic as always." He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see the woman who worked at the bakery down the street. 

She smiled lightly as she complimented him.

Taehyung was a part of the church choir. His soulful voice was what many looked forward to during the Sunday morning mass. 

Along with that, he taught the younger children who stayed for Catechism. He thoroughly enjoyed teaching, especially if it was to spread his beliefs in God and His greatness.

"Thank you." He smiled and bowed politely.

As he walked towards his father, a few others complimented him as well, making his heart swell with love.

His father was speaking to a few elderly women, chatting with them. When he saw his son approaching, he spoke, "Son, start getting the classroom ready. The kids are starting to arrive."

Taehyung nodded his head and replied with a small "Yes father." 

He began walking away as he heard his father's voice in the distance telling others to go in peace with the Lord.

Taehyung hummed to himself as he neared the classrooms. He saw a few mothers with their young children waiting for him to open the room.

He greeted them kindly as they smiled back at him in adoration.

"Hello Mr. Kim!" One of the young girls greeted him as her adorable pigtails bounced lightly.

"Good morning Sofya!" Taehyung displayed his boxed smile as he greeted all of the children walking into class.

He was about to close the door after himself, before he noticed a mother running with her child, trying to hurry him up.

Taehyung smiled gently as he patiently waited for them at the door.

"I'm so terribly sorry! My son woke up very late and I didn't even have time to bring him to Mass. I hope that's alright!" She explained as she pushed a few stray hairs away from her face.

"Oh, that's alright! There are two more Masses the rest of the day, you can still attend." Taehyung informed her as he looked down at the small boy who clutched his mother's hand tightly.

"Now, what might your name be?" Taehyung squatted in front of the little boy, watching as he stared at him with wide innocent eyes.

"' 'm Chanyeol." He mumbled shyly as he stared at Taehyung.

"It's his first day today, I tried to sign him up earlier but they were giving me trouble about... Where we live." She sighed, lowering her voice towards the end.

Taehyung knew what she was talking about. She was from the other side of town. The low income families lived there, separated from the rest of town.

"I'm sorry about that. I'll do my best to make sure no one singles him out." Taehyung reassured the child's mother as she sighed in relief.

"Thank you so much! I didn't catch your name!" She exclaimed, feeling comfortable with the angel in front of her.

"I'm Kim Taehyung! Nice to meet you." He bowed in front of her with respect.

"I'm Jeon Eunji!" She introduced herself as she shook the boy's hand.

Taehyung ushered Chanyeol in, watching as he gave his mother a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"Oh! Also, class is two hours long." Taehyung reminded her.

"Oh yes! I'll be here early!" She reassured the adorable boy.

After bidding goodbyes, Taehyung closed the door, ready to teach the youth about the love of the Lord. 

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