Darling: So now I get full sentences?

Me: Just thought you deserved it since we're going on a date tomorrow.

Me: Wanna say anything about what we're going to do?

Darling: That's sweet of you. And no. Just trust me. It'll be fun

Me: Trust isn't my strong suit

Darling: I couldn't guess from how much you complain about a certain redhead who is up to no good

Me: Ugh

You complain about Clary to your boyfriend?" I ask completely believing it.

"Maybe" he said with a slight pout. I go back to texting Magnus for Alec. It's honestly fun controlling Alec's love life, even if it was a small part.

Darling: You based your entire side of the game on her.

"What game?" I ask.

"Magnus convinced me to play a drinking game with him. We would say something that we hate and took a shot for it." He explained.

"Oh" I said. "You'll drink with him but I haven't been able to get you to drink like ever". He opened his mouth to respond but I rolled my eyes and continued to text.

Me: no I didn't

Darling: You did enough. Of course there were your siblings and parents. Also so much of the Clave I began to doubt exactly how much respect you have for them

Me: Yeah, everyone can be upsetting.

Darling: You're not exactly the optimist

Me: Whatever

Darling: It's so cold without you beside me. Are you staying the night? I like sleeping beside you

I looked at Alec, confused. And went back to typing.

Me: I thought I slept on your couch

Darling: No. You must have been drunker than I thought because you slept with me all night.

Darling: And even if that wasn't the case we slept together in the infirmary. You might want to get that pretty head of yours checked, Love

Me: Sorry. I'm still fuzzy about what happened. I don't usually drink and then that dumb mundane nearly got me killed. Thanks for healing me btw

Darling: It's fine Love. And your welcome. Also I haven't gotten that check yet. Maybe you can come over and bring it to me. It's the perfect alibi

Me: I'd love to but Izzy is dragging me to mall cuz she hates what I have in my closet and say I need better clothes

Darling: Make sure to get something for tomorrow. She needs to put you in something colorful and tight

Me: Great idea 🙄

Darling: What? You'd look hot

Me: so I'm not already?

Darling: Yes you are but you should get some clothes that fit you better

Me: like you?

Darling: Like me

Me: I gtg. I'll text you later

Darling: Bye love

My LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora