Chapter 1

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The weather in LA was very different than what I was used to. In contrast to the rainy days in Seattle, this was like heaven. I just hoped it would feel like home soon, like I had made the right decision.

Pulling up to the round glass sky scraper, I looked up and read the sign of Capitol Records, the company I was applying to. The company I was pleasantly surprised had even called me for an interview.

I fixed my dress and blazer after exiting the Uber before walking into the building. My stomach was in knots, my nerves taking over. I was glad I had worn black in that moment. Lasting anti-perspirant my ass.

"Good morning, can I help you?" The cheery receptionist asked.

"Uh yes I'm here for an interview with Francesca Davenport. I'm Penelope Blake."

She types away on the keyboard. "Yep there you are. Take this pass." She hands me a lanyard with a rectangle sign saying Guest on it. "Go through security over there," she points to the area, "show them your pass. Then go to the elevators and go up to floor nine. There will be another receptionist who will help you from there."

After thanking her, I head towards the security. After waiting in line and showing my pass, I gather with others in the elevator waiting for it to take me to the designated floor.

I walk off and heads through the double glass doors, seeing the next receptionist waiting.

"Hi I'm Penelope Blake, I'm here for an interview."

"Yep all set. Let me show you to the conference room."

Walking through the weaving halls, I see all the curious eyes looking at me while I pass. It's intimidating to say the least. I could only imagine what they were thinking.

We reach a door and the receptionist opens it to reveal a large conference room. The long black sleek table must fit thirty people at least. The one outside wall is completely glass as expected from the building design. This conference room must have seen its fair share of musical icons.

"Here you are. Take a seat wherever and Ms. Davenport will be right with you."

She closes the door behind her and leaves me in the large room by myself to contemplate where to sit. It felt like an important decision. Where I chose to sit could tell a lot about me or at least I felt.

I mulled the choices over in my head and decided to sit in a few seats in from the door. Just far enough away from the door without making it a long walk to greet each other.

I sat for a few minutes, reviewing my resume and answers to the typical interview questions in my head. I was ready. I was a pro at interviews but I really wanted this one. It wasn't as much money as my previous job and was a step down, but it was a prime place to work and the job itself seemed so interesting.

The door opened to reveal a tall, dark haired woman who appeared to be in her late forties. She was pretty but looked like she had some work done. I was told most people in LA did.

I stood to greet her. "Penelope? Hello I'm Francesca Davenport." I tried my best to cover up the shakiness in my voice.

"Hello. Penelope Blake, nice to meet you."

I took Ms. Davenport's hand firmly in mine, looking her in the eye while shaking it. Just like my dad had taught me to do.

"Please have a seat. Let's get started."

We both move to their respected chairs and sit.

"I brought a copy of my resume for reference." I say sliding the paper to Ms. Davenport.

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