(8) Body & Facial Languge: Anxiety & Anxiousness

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He rubbed his hands together quickly
He waited up all night
She watched the door like her life depended on it
He paced the floor
They peeped out of the window eagerly
She waited by the phone
He waited by the television
He bit his nails
She drummed the table with her fingers
His pulse accelerated
Her heartbeat quickened
She swallowed with much intensity
He gulped
He could hardly breathe
He sat in silence, rocking back and forth
She twiddled her thumbs
She fidgeted
He lit up a cigarette
He breathed like a pregnant woman in labor
She sweated globs of sweat
His palms perspired
Her mind raced a mile a minute
She fiddled with her hair
He had a panic attack
She toyed with her buttons
He picked imaginary lint off his shirt
She inspected her fingernails
He meddled with his cell phone
She sat at the edge of her seat
She pats her hands on her knees like a madwoman
Overthinking her words, she stuttered
He hesitated as he spoke
He tapped his foot ceaselessly
He would not sit down
Her belly began hurting
He developed diarrhea
He wiped his sweaty hands on his jeans
Her palms perspired
His forehead is drenched in beads of sweat
He played drums on his legs, his fingers as the sticks
He messed around with the collar of his shirt
She blinked her eyes excessively, heartbeat increasing
He kept his fingers crossed
She fumbled with her fingers under the table
The tone of his voice went flat
Her bottom lip quaked
Her mind was swamped with evil forebodings
She avoided everybody
He hyperventilated
She had a hard time catching her breath
They arrived early
She stayed up until the wee hours of the morning
She awaited him
He anticipated
Seeing her tonight is all he can think about
She twisted her promise ring
She tugged on her necklace slightly
He bit his bottom lip
He fiddled with his watch
She chewed on the pencil's eraser
He keeps swallowing
They're holding their breaths
She feels clammy
He has gone into a high-pitched laugh
She just can't keep still
She's wringing her hands again
He's huddled in the corner
He clasped his hands over his head
He's holding his hands together in front of his groin
She's blinking back tears
He's nodding quickly
She's trying to hurry the conversation along
She grips on to her handbag for comfort
He's making steady contact, eyebrows raised
He licked his lips constantly
She jiggled her foot
She crossed and uncrossed her leg, jiggling her foot

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