(16) Other Words For Think

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Agonize, analyze, apperceive, apply one's mind, appraise, appreciate, ascertain, assess, assume

Be certain of, be convinced of, be credulous, be of the opinion, believe, brainstorm, brood, buy

Calculate, cerebrate, chew over, cogitate, comprehend, conceive, concentrate, conceptualize, conclude, concoct, conjecture, conjure up, consider, construe, contemplate, contrive, cook up

Daydream, debate, decipher, deduce, deem, deliberate, demur, determine, devise, digest, discern, dissect, dither, divine, dwell upon

Equivocate, evaluate, envisage, envision, entertain a thought, establish, estimate, evaluate, evoke, examine, excogitate, expect, extrapolate

Fabricate, fancy, fantasize, fathom, feel, figure, find, flash on, focus, form an opinion, form ideas, formulate, free-associate, fret, fuss

Gather, gauge, get, get an idea, give credence to, glean, grasp, guess, guesstimate

Hallucinate, hanker, hash over, hatch, have a flash, have a hunch, have a notion, have a vision, have in mind, have no doubt, hazard a guess, hope, hypothesize

Ideate, imagine, infer, intellectualize, interpret, introspect, intuit, invent



Maintain, mean, meditate, mull, muse

Opine, originate

Perceive, percolate, perpend, philosophize, picture, plan, plot, ponder, posit, postulate, predicate, predict, presume, presuppose, prevaricate, propose, propound, puzzle over

Ratiocinate, rationalize, read, realize, reason, recall, reckon, recognize, reflect, regard, rehash, repine, resolve, ruminate

Scheme, scrutinize, sense, sort out, speculate, stargaze, stew, suppose, surmise, suspect, sweat over, syllogize

Take in, theorize, thresh out, toy with an idea, trust, twig

Understand, use one's head

Vacillate, view, visualize

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