(7) Body & Facial Lnguage: Sadness

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She sniveled
She boohooed
They moaned
He hung his head
She inverted her smile
He groaned
He pines away
He frowned at her
Her shoulders were rounded
He wasted away
She refrained from laughing
He pushed away
He couldn't eat
She tossed and turned
She wept profusely
He cried for a month straight
She refused to look in his happy eyes
She hunched her shoulders to appear smaller
He mumbled about his problems
She ambled around
He moped through the house
She buried her head in the pillows
He called himself names
Her voice lowered
His pupils contracted
Her body droops
She's bowed over
He's sitting alone, arms wrapped around himself
He poked out his bottom lip
Her lip quivers
She shuffles through the house all day in her pajamas
He sobs non-stop
She's dragging her feet at work
He's curled up into a fetal position
Her upper body is slumped over the steering wheel
She covers her face with her arms
He covered his face with the pillow
They are sharing a group hug, trembling and sobbing
She won't move
He just stares into space
She isolates herself
He withdraws
He's overeating
She's overspending
His heart waxed cold
Her face went pallid
His hair is disheveled
Her soaks her pillow with tears
The Dear John letter is stained with tears
Her back slides down the wall as she cries quietly
She falls to the floor and weeps
He breaks down on the pew
She makes a puppy dog face at him
His countenance falls
He's vexed in his soul
His heart is heavy
Her heart is sick
Her jaws sag
She whimpered
They burst into tears
He wailed
She cried her eyes out
He shed tears
She bawled
He sinks into his seat
He puts his head on the desk
She always dresses in all black
His spirit withered
He was brought to his knees
She flirts with suicide
He threw a pity party
Her bones ache from the penetrating sorrow
He's down in the dumps
Uninterested in eating, he plays with his meal
She's messing up orders at work
He eats alone
His eyelids hang down
I sniffed
He sulked
His heart decayed
Her capacity to love grew weak
She muttered
He whined
They lamented

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