(6) Body & Facial Langauge: Discust

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She scowls at her
He grimaces
They hold their noses
She puckers her lips, pushing them to her nose to combat the smell
He gives her a dirty look
She gives them a black look
He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head
She darts away from him
He pinches his nose with his fingers
They exchange sneers
She pretends to vomit in her mouth
He covers his ears with his hands
She covers his eyes with her hands
She shuts her eyes and hums
She purses her lips
He opens and closes his mouth in a particular way, like he just sucked on a lemon
He pukes at the sight of it
Her stomach turns
It made her heave
A yucky taste forms in her mouth
His soul is encapsulated by repulsion
Her attitude repels him
She can't even look at it
The touch of it makes her shiver
The thought of it makes him tremor
She pressed her lips together
He rolled his eyes
She curled her lips
He flinched
She covered her nose
She jerked her hand back
He gagged
She squints her eyes shut
He turned his body, giving the cold shoulder
He put his hand over his mouth
Her mouth hangs wide open
His jaws drop
He gasps
She freezes and stares with wide eyes and raised eyebrows
He takes two steps back
She buries her face in her hands
He looks down and away
He bows his head
She covers her eyes with one hand, fingers splayed
He had trouble maintaining eye contact
She flounced outside, removing herself from the crime scene

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