Chapter 26 -Aaron - Another Brooks on the way✔

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I am a very happy Man . My son is happy , I have the an amazing girlfriend and its almost time for summer holidays. Tina is still hanging out with Mia and pretending to be something she isn't. Gavin loves her and he is willing to doo anything including going to couples therapy. We were both invited to Bryan's Gala dinner . He was still with Sarah and he was going to propose to her tonight . I wasn't okay with Simon Nathan Lindsey being in the same room as us . Mary was recovering well and they told me that she would be out soon sometime this week . They told me they'd let me know .

Lexi is the best thing I never knew I needed until she happened . She is the right woman for me . I know this because my son isn't scared of her in anyway ; in fact they are good friends and that's a good sign. We missed her when she had to go back home; so a couple of weeks ago I gave her the extra set of keys I had . Mary had her own set; so did Dave, but I also wanted her to have her own and move in with me . She has been sleeping over but she hasn't said yes yet and it's been almost six months since we've been together . She's talking her time and I will give her all the time she needs.

She left early this morning without a word but she sent me a text mid morning saying she had an early doctor's appointment. She seemed fine to me ,I couldn't help but worry . She looked a bit pale last night. I was going to tell her that I took a half day today . Dave was getting ready at Carlo's he practically begged me last night before bed and I said yes. Caleb was twelve years old and Carl was an upstanding guy. I could see why she was really good friends with Ali .

As for Angelo he is also good friends with Lexi. His wife Cleo was caught in a crossfire between them and someone who had it in for him. When he came over for Sunday lunch with his wife Cleo, and son Pia they looked like a family that had been through hell but still came out fighting . Later on when I was missing my girlfriend; I found her in the games room with Pio fast asleep .Cleo had told me she was good with both her twins and with her baby girl gone she told me Lexi was able to help her understand her pain and deal with her loss. Angelo saving her was a blessing in disguise because she was supportive and a great friend

It was lunch time; in this case home time for me. I called Lexi but it just rang; I tracked her down and found her. I walked out and drove to where she was . I knew they were friends but I had to know what was wrong . I parked a block away since every spot was taken ; then walked into the practice, down the hall to the room she was in. There was a closed sign when I entered and that didn't ditter me. I started hearing voices and a giggle that I knew so well .

I sat outside the room and decided to eavesdrop. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help myself. I heard Amy ask Lexi a question.

"So how are things with Aaron?"

"They are okay. I love him and Dave . I love Dave like my own son even though he isn't mine ."

"They are both lucky to have you ."

"It's been six months already and I want to move in."

"What's stopping you ?"

" I'ts not fear at such but family dynamics and the fact that I don't want to add to Abro's worries by telling him about what's going on ."

"You do look a bit pale . Have you had any episodes of nausea; sensitivity to certain smells,unexplained weight gain or loss?"

"Hmm all the above except for the weight loss. I also thought missing my period twice was because of the stress."

" could you lie down on the bed so I could check something ."

"Okay. "

"How often do you and Aaron have sexy time?"

 (FATED COLLISION  )BY  K.C  MMUOE - THE MASSA SERIES . ( EDITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن