Chapter 21

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Okay okay, don't bite me! I know I'm a bitch for not updating in like forever. But I have kind of lost my inspiration for writing about Ereri. Don't get me wrong! I legit live for this ship and the anime, but I just haven't felt like writing in a while. I think I will go on a hiatus, I'm not so sure how long but I need a break physically and mentally I hope you understand.

Now please enjoy the last chapter of this series.

Thank you, Mango_Corgi



Author's POV


{Just saying they are back to the original house}

Eren stared out the window as we watched the snow fall softly onto the ground. "Babe c'mon I need your help with the food" Levi called for Eren as he was currently trying to find to find the salt. Eren sighed and laughed at his husband's attempt to look for the salt which was on the island counter behind him. "Hunnnnnn its right behind you idiot" Eren giggled as Levi turned around and stared at the salt in defeat. "tch, I totally knew that" Levi mumbled under his breath.

Eren strolled towards Levi and look to what he was cooking. "We're having turkey for Christmas?" Eren questioned staring at the cooked turkey on the counter. "Well I couldn't think of anything else" Levi groaned. "Well, at least you didn't burn anything. I remember back in the first few years of our relationship you tried to cook rice in a pot for me. I had a rice cooker but you wanted to impress me, but you ended up setting fire to the kitchen" Eren laughed at the memory. "Hey I've gotten better now" Levi defended himself. "Whatever lets you sleep at night" Eren kissed Levi's cheek and stared at him until Levi kissed him back.  

"You know I love you right?" Levi asked taking a hold of Eren's waist. "Yes, and I love you as well" Eren smiled as he was pulled into a kiss. 

"Ewwwwwwwww gross Momma, Daddy that's yucky" Rivai said as he ran into the kitchen. "What ya looking for Bud?" Levi asked as he was still holding Eren by the waist. "I can't find Pampam, him and I playing hide and seek!" Rivai smiled as he looked under the kitchen table.

Eren nudged Levi with his shoulder, "huh?" Eren looked towards the cabinet beside the fridge. "Sweetie I think I found Pamapm" Eren laughed. Rivai ran towards the cabinet and swung open the door. 

"Uh I think Pampam got into his food bag," Rivai said looking towards his parents. Both their gazes shot to the now even fatter corgi. "You little fat fuck! I just bought that!" Levi yelled as he began to chase Pampam who had just made a run for it. "Get your fat ass back here you mutt!" Levi ran. "Mommy! Daddy said a bad word!" Rivai snitched. Eren just sighed and continued putting salt on the turkey.


"Levi hurry up the guests are here!" Eren yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Comin!" Levi yelled as Eren sighed. The doorbell began to ring violently. "I'm coming you, bitches!" Eren yelled running towards the front door. Eren swung the door open and was met with a bone-crushing hug.

"My baby!!!!" Eren's mother said hugging Eren tighter. "Good to see you to mom" Eren laughed with the little breathe he had.

"Hey Eren" Annie said waddling her way past Eren with her baby bump. Eren moved out of the way for Annie as Armin came up to him next. "Armin!" Eren pulled Armin into a hug. "Hey Ren how have you been?" 

"Good. Just getting used to everything again" Eren awkwardly laughed. "MOVE BITCHES HANJIS' HERE!" Hanji ran past Eren, "LEVI!!!!!! DEARRRRRRRRR" Hanji yelled as she saw Levi walking down the. "Who the fuck let the crazy bitch in?" Levi questioned as he had his usual 'fuck you' face plastered on him. "Oh lighten up Lev, it's Christmas" Erwin laughed.


"So I got Annie" Eren said giving Annie her secret Santa gift. "Thanks, Ren" she said as she opened her gift. It was a baby blanket with a bunny on it. "Aww Armin look at this!" Annie said happily. Armin laughed at his wifes cuteness.

"Anyways, what are you gonna name the little one when it's born?" Mikasa questioned. "Well we were thinking Alex" Armin spoke.

"So Armin, Annie, and Alex, why all A's?" Jean asked taking a sip of his eggnog. "We thought it was nice since me and Armin's names start with A's" Annie explained. "Okay anyways moving on, I actually also got a gift for Rivai" Eren smirked. 

"But Momma you already give me, my gift?" Rivai said confused, "Oj, so you don't want your second one?" Eren said about to put away the gift. "No no no no no no! I want it!" Rivai protested before Eren put it back under the tree.

Eren handed Rivai the small wrapped box, Rivai tore off the wrapping paper and threw it to random places. "Sorry about that, work called, what did I miss?" Levi said as he came back into the living room and sat on the armrest of Eren's chair. "you'll see" Eren smirked. Levi gave his wife a confused look but then shrugged it off.

"Momma? What's this?" Rivai said holding up a positive pregnancy test. "You're Pregnant?!?"  Historia yelled. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!" Hanji screamed as she jumped from her chair and was shaking her husband. "Whats Preg-a-nate?" Rivai questioned. "It means you might have a little sister or brother" Eren explained. Rivai started jumping for joy, "Yayyyy!!" Rivai yelled happily. Eren looked to Levi who hadn't said a thing yet. 

"Babe, you okay?" Eren asked everyone's gaze switched to focus on Levi.

"Baby... Pregnant.... a... another little shit running around..." Levi had fainted and Eren had caught him before he fell onto the floor. Everyone started laughing, "Well at least he ain't filing for a divorce this time" Ymir joked. Historia hit her shoulder. "Yep, this is a way better reaction then last time" Eren laughed.


Eren walked onto the balcony and looked towards the stars and the big bright moon in the sky. He felt strong arms wrap around him, "So we're gonna have another one?" Levi said as he leaned his chin on Eren's head. (Remeber in this book Levi is taller) "Mmmmhmm" Eren hummed. "You're not leaving me right?" Eren said turning in Levi's arms. "Of course not, I'm never leaving you again" Levi swore as he leaned hin and kissed Eren. 

They broke away from the kiss, "I love you" Eren spoke.

"tch, I love you more" Levi said smiling as he hugged Eren tighter, not wanting to ever let go, ever again.


I hope you enjoyed the last chapter of my story, I'm sorry if it was crap, I'm not used to writing as much anymore heh ;-;

Anyways I will now be going on a hiatus, I will still be active on Wattpad, but I won't be writing more books for a while, I'm still not sure how long, but when I get back I will most likely start and BTS fanfic book, or finish a book that hasn't been updated in forever.

Thank you once again for all your support, I really appreciate it.

Signing off with love and care, Mango_Corgi.

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