Chapter 13

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OKAY. I know I said I would be back after my trip..... But my parents have just informed me we are going camping....... I am just as upset since I literally just got back from Kelowna yesterday. I really wanted to start posting and writing up the next chapters for my books. But I won't have time. I am not quite sure when I'll be back. Please forgive me.

I would also like to address, that since I'll not be posting. Please, just, please don't ask me to update, when I have already explained why I am not updating. I can get very triggered at very small things, so I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't ask me to update till I am back. Its summer and I would like to spend time with my family.

I hope you can all understand. That after this chapter is posted there will not be another until I am back. Thank you for reading this before starting the chapter.

With Sleepy Love, Mango_Corgi

Rivai POV

The next day after seeing momma I got to play with Daddy's Friends. I really liked Auntie Mika, because she looks a lot like Daddy.

Pampam is growing, he is getting heavy, But I'm going to grow strong like Daddy, so I can carry Pampam.


"Guys time for dinner!" I heard Daddy yell from behind me, we went inside and sat down at the table.

"Levi where is the pizza?" Auntie Petra asked.

We started to smell smoke, "SHIT!" Daddy jumped out of his chair and ran into the kitchen. "Bro! You shouldn't swear in front of kids!" Auntie Mika ran after him.


Since the pizza had been ruined they decided just to order Japanese takeout. "Daddy, I'm all done can I go to my room with Pampam now?" Rivai asked tugging on Levi's sleeve. Levi nodded and Rivai ran upstairs with Pampam a bit far behind due to his short stubby legs.

"For the last fucking time Connie! Fish is meat!" Jean yelled into Connie's face. "Fish is not meat!!" Connie glared. Levi picked up his plate and walked out of the dining room to meet with Petra drinking a glass of wine. "Aren't you a light drinker?" Levi said grabbing a beer from the fridge. "So what's the plan?" Petra said twirling the wine glass and staring at the content inside.

Levi gave a confused look. "Oh please, Levi, our marriage? your going to get back with Eren aren't you?" Petra said refilling her glass. Levi took a long chug from his bottle. "To be absolutely honest, I have no clue, what if Eren never even wakes up? He would have died with the mindset of hating me" Levi took another sip of his drink.

"Hey. Don't think like that. Rivai is positive so you should be too" Petra smile. "But should I even be allowed to see Rivai, after everything?" Levi finished his beer.

Petra slapped Levi's back. "What the holy fuck was that for?!" Levi yelled. "Oh grow up, since when did you become a sad doll?" Petra laughed.

"Levi. Like the others said, if anyone could survive its Eren" Petra finished her speech, she put her wine glass into the sink and headed back to the other's leaving Levi there to wonder.

"Should I even be here?"


Rivai slowly open the door letting Pampam and him into Levi's current room, Rivai quietly help Pampam onto the bed, before climbing onto the bed as well.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Rivai howled jumping on the bed, Levi opened his eyes as he wiped Pampam's saliva off his face. "Kid it's......7:00 In the morning" Levi yawned.

"But Daddy! I lost my first tooth!!"

Levi sat up, "You did?" He asked rubbing his eyes. Rivai nodded as he showed his half-awake father the spot where the baby tooth had once been.

Levi smiled as Rivai began to jump on the bed once again, making Pampam fly. "Oh! Auntie Hanji said that she would take me for ice cream if you said yes, so can I? PWEASESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" Rivai begged with puppy dog eyes. 

(Idk how, but my own oc is making me met)

Levi nodded as he got out of bed fixing his hair and almost being tripped by Rivai and Pampam who had now ran out the bedroom and downstairs.


"So Hun, whatcha gonna get hmm?" Hanji said as she carried Rivai on the side of her hip so he could see all the flavors. Rivai looked at all the colourful buckets filled with ice cream. "I don't know.." Rivai muttered.

"Do you wanna try some?" The lady behind the glass asked as she smiled at Rivai, "Hi Auntie Lana! Can I try the mango today?" The small boy gave a bright sunshine like smile to the women, as Hanji slowly looked up to see the blonde women. 

Lana's face soon became pale, "H-Hanji?" she spoke as her lip quivered. The two women stayed silent as Rivai kept looking back and fourth at them. "Hun is everything alright?" A man with chestnut hair walked in from the back room.

"uhhh what's going on here?"


Sorry I know its short, but I don't give a flying fuck, cuz it's 10:00 and I'm sleepy, so sorry, but I NEEDS MA SLEEP!!! 


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