Chapter 2

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Keith was growing so fast. Not as fast as the other Galran kit's that had been chosen to work with the blade, but that was to be expected.

He was going through his half phase at the moment. His tail twitched behind him as he grumbled under his breath.

"What's wrong?" I asked as he stormed into our quarters. His face was scrunched up and his hands were balled into small fists.

"The other kits said I looked weird. Why would they say that dad?" Keith asked pouting.

His sullen expression tugged at my heart strings.

I sighed and gestured for him to sit on my lap. He curled onto my lap nuzzling his head beneath my chin.

"Let me show you something. It's really cool." I took out a small device from my pocket.

"Okay." He sat up and stared at the hologram in my hand. I punched in coordinates.

A hologram of Earth showed bright in the dark room.

"Wow! That's beautiful! What is that planet?" He asked clearly interested. His violet orbs widened.

"That's Earth." I smiled.

"Wow, can we go there someday?" He asked eagerly.

"Maybe." I ruffled his hair.

It would be difficult for me to go back, but him- If he could control his Galra form then he could live their peacefully far away from Zarkon and war.

He would have to leave me, but it would be for the best.

I looked down at his innocent face.

I can't tell him yet. He's too young. He won't understand.

"Keith, if anyone else teases you just remember that you are special. You are a blade just as much as any of them are. Maybe even more. You've got the good stuff inside you." I spoke encouragingly.

"Okay. I'll do my best and work harder than everyone else!" He exclaimed leaping from my lap and landed gracefully on his toes.

"That'll show 'em." I chuckled.

" I chuckled

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