544 32 3

november 23, 2018

sinningangel: hey yoongles

minsuga: don't call me that

sinningangel: then what do i call you?

minsuga: what you've been calling me

sinningangel: whyyyy :/

minsuga: because only people that are close to me get to call me by my name

minsuga: or anything of/or relating to it.

sinningangel: why are you being so rude

minsuga: look, we've only known each other for 6 days so far

sinningangel: it feels like longer

minsuga: but it isn't, so don't expect me to lighten up to you in such a short amount of time

minsuga: as i said before, you have to earn it

sinningangel: okok i'm sorry i almost took things way out of proportion

sinningangel: forgive me oppa i love u 💘

minsuga: ....oppa?

sinningangel: i know i almost threw up typing it out lmao

minsuga: you should get some sleep

sinningangel: can't

minsuga: why

sinningangel: jetlag

minsuga: you're back in korea?

sinningangel: yep

minsuga: since when?

sinningangel: 2am

minsuga: oh damn

sinningangel: mhm

minsuga: stop with the one word replies

sinningangel: no

minsuga: you do realize that i could be talking to 30,000+ people right?

sinningangel: yea

minsuga: so you're still being stubborn?

sinningangel: mhm

minsuga: ..

sinningangel: doesn't feel good, does it

minsuga: no

sinningangel: so now let's agree to never give each other those replies again

minsuga: okay, weirdo.

sinningangel: you love it

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