Thanksgiving special! (PP)

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(You can choose any one of these or not, use whatever you want!)

Fancy dinners weren't really my thing.
And my family was quite rowdy and excited about today.

Especially Thor.

Lots of food + Thor= craziness.

I like to eat a lot too but Thor can down 4 boxes of Poptarts in 2 minutes.

It was scarily impressive.

They invited my best friend Peter and his Aunt May over too.

The secret is I have a crush on my best friend.

He doesn't know and everyone thinks it so obvious. He's just oblivious.

I look in the mirror and do my hair. (However you want.)

I get out of my room and head to the living room.

Everyone was chilling before dinner started at 7.

It was about 6:30.

Clint's whole family was coming, and most of everyone's families are coming.

Loki is gonna be here!
Thor is overjoyed that his brother is bonding with us.

I plop onto the couch right next to Wanda.

"Hey!" I say

"Hey!" She replies

"You excited?" I ask

"Yeah! First thanksgiving. Since I was... uh..." she says

"Yeahhh..." I say

"So Peters coming over." She says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Wanda stooopp." I say laughing at the way her eyebrows are moving.

"We all know you like him Y/n." Bruce says

"The man spider is just oblivious." Thor says

"He likes you too, I know it! Plus it's unfair obvious." Nat says

"I don't know, what would dad think?" I ask

"Tony wouldn't mind." Rhodey says

"Maybe. I'll think about it." I say

They all whoop and then go back to taking to each other.

Dad comes downstairs with mom.

"Hey everyone. Happy thanksgiving!" He says

"Happy thanksgiving!" We all day

"Peter and May should be here soon." He says

I blush at the mention of Peter.


And as if on cue, Peter and May walk in through the elevator.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" They both say

"Happy Thanksgiving!" We all reply.

Peter walks up to me and we do our handshake.

Then we hug.

"Hey Peter." I say

"Hey Y/n." He replies

Then we pull away and I'm lightly blushing.

But I notice the pink shade tinting his cheeks too.

"LETS EAT." Thor yells

I laugh at Thor lightly and we all head to the ginormous dining table.

Peter Parker/Tom Holland imagines!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن