sixty six

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I REACH the bus stop before Mariela.

All I can do is sit on the bench and wait for her.

Is she even going to show up, though? What if that stupid guy never told her I was going to meet her? What if it's all a lie, a diversion or something? What if it's to get me separated from the others? What if she already killed Seunghoon?

What if I can't save him?

Stop. I tell myself. Don't think like that. You're here early, Mariela is probably going to be on time. Don't think about it so much. Just wait another ten minutes.

I do.

I wait ten minutes and she doesn't show up.

And I'm bouncing my leg nervously and thinking about all the things that could be happening to Seunghoon, Jinwoo, Yoon, and everyone else out on that battlefield that I'm not at.

I stand up and start walking back toward the others, toward the sound of gunfire, when I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"Leaving so soon, Minho?"

I turn around slowly, meeting Mariela's eyes.

"And I just got here!" She grins. "Don't you want to know why I asked you here?"

"What do you want, Mariela?" I ask violently. "Where is Seunghoon?"

"He's safe," Mariela tells me. "He's doing fine. I have him with a friend. But he won't be fine for long, unless you do something for me."

I wait for her to tell me.

She takes a step forward, grinning at me with her red, blood-stained lips. Or is that lipstick?

"I want someone," she tells me. "A life for a life, I'll say. I need someone to help me fight in this war. I need someone who will help me win."

I give her a confused look, trying to think.



"You know exactly who, don't you?" Mariela chuckles. "Yes, Minho, I want your friend Jinwoo."


"I know he was once human," she answers. "I could tell as soon as I met him. The way he was stronger than either of us, the way he craved life essence more than we do. It was all way too similar to a girl I have back at home."

"You have a Noctura that was once human?"

"Yes. And she would like a friend, you see. I want her to have a friend. A friend that will help her in this war, help her kill the humans."

Of course, it sounds like I should immediately say no. Having Jinwoo and another human-turned-Noctura fighting against the humans sounds like a horrible thing for the people I'm trying to fight for.

But there are thoughts running through my mind and I'm thinking everything through. I'm thinking about Seunghoon and I'm thinking about Jinwoo and I'm thinking about this war that we're currently in.

"If you don't hand Jinwoo over, Seunghoon will be killed," Mariela says. "If you hand Jinwoo over, I'll set Seunghoon free."

"I have to be there," I demand. "I get to watch as Jinwoo goes with you and Seunghoon comes with me."

Mariela purses her lips. "Fine. You can be there, you can take Seunghoon into your arms and I can take Jinwoo into mine. Is it a deal then?"

She puts her hand out, waiting for me to shake it, to make the deal.

A life for a life.

Jinwoo for Seunghoon.

I watch her red lips turn up into a wide grin.

Taking a deep breath, I put my hand in hers.


NocturaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz