twenty two

28 4 0


THE RAIN pounds against the hospital windows incessantly.

I'm sitting in one of the chairs, bouncing my leg nervously. A few moments of this and then I'm up once again, moving over toward the windows to look out at the rain coming down hard onto the pavement.

Seunghoon is sitting in one of the hospital rooms. The doctors said the damage isn't too bad. A broken rib, a bite mark on the right arm, and a possible concussion. I haven't been able to see him yet, though, because they said he's still unconscious.

When I was about to leave the bar, I got a phone call. I didn't recognize the number.

As soon as I answered it, I recognized Yoon's voice.

He was telling me about how Jinwoo was at the safe house with him, but he thought I should come down soon. He said he was going to come back and lead me there tonight. He said he needed to talk to me about something. Something important.

I was making sure everything was fine with Jinwoo until Yoon said he had to go and instructed me not to call him. He would find me.

After that, I walked outside to see my best friend being attacked by a Noctura.

I guess, in a way, I'm lucky that the Noctura knocked him out before I attacked her.

Because after I attacked her, I felt my eyes change and I lost control.

After seeing her hurt Seunghoon like that, I couldn't hold myself back. I ripped her throat apart and then I threw her to the side of the alley.

I took Seunghoon to the hospital immediately and they asked what happened. I said a Noctura attacked both of us but because of Seunghoon having a gun and knife from the AAN, I was able to kill the Noctura.

They took him back to treat him and gave me an update a few minutes ago.

Now, I'm waiting.

"Hi, I'm here for Seunghoon. Is he here? Is he alright?"

I quickly look over at the front desk to see a woman with shoulder-length, auburn hair. She's talking to the woman at the front desk.

After she gets an answer, she moves over toward the waiting area.


She looks up at me.

"I'm Minho," I say quickly. "Seunghoon's friend. He's told me about you. You're Teagan, right?"

She nods. "Is he okay? Have you seen him? They said we can't see him yet."

"He's okay," I say quickly. "He's just unconscious so they don't want us in there yet. How did you know he got attacked?"

She sighs and drops down into a chair. "The hospital told our division. They informed us that a member had been attacked and I asked who. As soon as they told me it was Seunghoon, I was out of that building."

I nod.

"What happened?"

After taking a deep breath, I explain to Teagan everything that happened from my perspective. Of course, I leave out the part about me attacking the woman. I just tell her that I was able to get a hold of Seunghoon's gun and knife and that's what saved both of us.

I update her on his condition and she sits in the chair, obviously worried.

"Don't worry," I say. "It could've been much worse. He'll be fine."

"Song Minho?"

I look over at a doctor.

"I was told you're a friend of patient Lee Seunghoon?"

NocturaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin