fifty one

14 3 0


TEAGAN SITS next to me on my couch. The TV on the stand in front of us is on some news channel, but the volume is really low and we're not paying attention to it anyway.

I'm not paying attention to it, at least.

I'm staring down at the floor beneath my feet, wondering how this ever could've happened.

My best friend just saved the leader of the Alliance.

Teagan was right. I really don't know who my best friend is.

"I can't believe he's working with the Alliance," I whisper.

Just next to the house I'm currently sitting in, there's an empty house. The AAN officers rigged it with all kinds of devices that would let us know someone was in there as soon as they got near the house.

But if I know at least one thing about my best friend, it's that he's smart. And he won't be coming back to his house any time soon.

I look up at Teagan. She's looking at the TV, but her eyes are somewhat glazed over. She's not really paying attention.

Teagan took her shift off today, but it's not like it really mattered. People were trying to clean stuff up and get everyone settled back in again. She didn't really want to be there for that.

I didn't go in earlier today, either.

I just couldn't.

Not yet.

Teagan lets out a sigh and leans back against the couch, tucking her legs up underneath her. She looks over at me and gives me a sympathetic smile, reaching out for my hand.

I gladly let her take it and she intertwines her fingers with mine.

"I can't totally understand what you're going through," Teagan says carefully, "but I want you to know that I'm right here, okay?"

I give her a sad smile. "Thank you, Teagan."

She squeezes my hand. "Finding this out... it's almost like losing a friend. I know what that's like, at least."

"You're smarter than I am," I tell her. "You already knew there was something different about Minho, but I ignored it. You were right all along."

To that, she doesn't answer.

"I'm so stupid," I mutter.

"Let's try not to think about it anymore," Teagan offers. "Do you have cards? Can we play a card game or something?"

I look over at her. "Yeah, in that desk over by the kitchen. There's a pack of cards."

She gets off the couch, letting go of my hand in the process. Now my hand feels oddly cold and empty.

Teagan comes back to the couch and sits next to me, taking the cards out of the box.

"I just can't believe it," I mumble. "He lied to me. He told me he was afraid of Nocturas and would never be part of the Alliance. He lied."

"What's your favorite card game?" Teagan asks. "We can just play blackjack if you'd like."

"Yeah, sure."

Teagan deals the cards and we play a round of blackjack. I'm not really paying attention, though. Teagan wins easily.

She's dealing out cards again when I suddenly sigh.

"I'm sorry," I tell her. "This isn't fun. I just can't really focus. I just can't take my mind off Minho and everything that happened."

Teagan gently sets her cards down. "Well, is there anything I can do to help? Do you want to just talk things through?"

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