Thanksgiving special!

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Hey guys! Here is a special update for Thanksgiving! I'm spending mine with my family, how are you guys spending yours? Tell me! (f/p) means favorite pie flavor

Allen: "Babe! Is the tofu almost done?" Allen's voice echoed throughout the halls, and you smiled hearing it. "About ten more minutes sweetheart!" You responded, and Allen felt his heart melt at the nickname. He was excited to spend thanksgiving with you, and it made him happier that you were willing to not eat meat that day. So, as a surprise, he made you f/p for dessert. After the main meal, which was tofu, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and mash potatoes with gravy, Allen brought out the pie. He grinned at your eyes lighting up at the sight, and the smile that took his breath away. "Happy thanksgiving doll." "Happy thanksgiving alley boy, and thank you for being with me."

Oliver: Oliver being Oliver, wanted nothing more than to bring his family under one roof for thanksgiving. That meant Allen, Matt and Francois. They were reluctant to come, but Oliver also invited their girlfriends to keep them under control. One by one, they showed up. Matt was first, greeting Oliver with a small smile and a side hug to his girlfriend, hugging Oliver after. Matt entered the kitchen, and began making pancakes for the family. Allen walked in after, grinning when he saw Oliver, and hugged him tight. When Matt's hands were empty, Allen began to wrestle with him. Not violently, but in a brotherly way. Finally Francois entered the house. It went quiet. Oliver glanced at him, and Francois did something shocking; he hugged Oliver. Oliver tensed in shock, but quickly hugged him back. "Its good to see you all." Oliver grinned, and was happy to see that the table was full of people. "I am not only happy to see my family again," He gestured to the three boys before continuing. "I am also excited to share it with my sweet love, y/n." You blushed, and smiled at your boyfriend. "Happy thanksgiving Oliver." Allen whooped and kissed his girlfriend, Matt smiled and took his girlfriends hand, and Francois did both.

Matt: After Oliver's thanksgiving, Matt just wanted to curl up in bed. So, thats what he did. You, however, decided to make pancakes. You grinned at an idea. You twirled around the kitchen, making special pancakes for you and Matt. The Canadian woke up to a delicious smell wafting through the house. He flew down the stairs, and beamed at his girlfriend. The dining room table was covered in pancakes. Different kinds were laid out on plates, ready to be eaten. He felt his heart melt. Matt hugged you tightly, and kissed your forehead. "Thank you, you know just how to make me feel better." "Of course I do, silly. I'm your girlfriend."

Viktor: Viktor was very closed off. At least, he was until he met you. You being the sneaky little ninja you are, you invited his family to dinner. Those people included Natasha (Belarus), Katya (Ukraine), Egor (Estonia), Ruslan (Latvia) and Tomas (Lithuania). His reaction when finding this out was priceless. You promised to stay by his side, and felt better. The Baltics showed up together. Viktor expected them to cower, but instead they greeted him normally, shaking his hand and talking to y/n. They all made small talk until his sisters appeared. Kayta squealed when she saw you, rambling about how pretty and cute you were. Natasha whisked you away upstairs, and pulled out a dress she wanted you to try on. You felt it was perfect for dinner. She thought you looked stunning in it as well. Viktor gaped when he saw you. Kayta's squealing grew louder, and she pulled you into a hug. At dinner, Viktor rose. "I just wanted to say, thank you for coming. I really do enjoy your company. We should do things like this more often." With fiery red cheeks, he sat back down. Natasha patted her brother's shoulder gently, and grinned at you. Kayta was talking with Egor, and Ruslan, Tomas, and Natasha were all chatting as well. Under the table, Viktor took your hand. "Spasibo, sunflower." "Of course Vik, what is this holiday for?"

" "Of course Vik, what is this holiday for?"

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Zao: Zao did not want to celebrate this holiday. At all. However, with some convincing, you got him to agree to dinner. What you didn't tell him, was that you invited his family. Yayyyyyy. The family you invited included Kuro (Japan), Tai Yang Chun (Hong Kong), Im Hyun-Ki (North Korea), Im Young Sun (South Korea), Xiao Ming Yue (Taiwan), and Yosudwan Kasem (Thailand). No one greeted each other like Viktor's did. The shrieked and cried and hugged tightly. All were excited to see one another. Zao grinned "Thank you, y/n, for bringing them. I forgot how important they were."

Francois: Francois groaned. Oliver had invited him to thanksgiving. However, he had also said y/n could come. That made it a little better. H was reluctant to go. But y/n dragged him out of the house. Francois was nervous. He hadn't seen these guys for a while outside of the meetings. Even then they barely acknowledged each other. The familiar pink and blue pastel house came into view. Francois emerged from the car at a snail's pace. You hit the doorbell, only to hear two voices yell in unison, "I'LL GET IT!" Francois groaned again. He was last. Allen opened the door with a triumphant grin. It dropped when his brain caught up with his eyes. He stepped aside, allowing the intimidating man inside. Francois froze when he saw Oliver glance over at him. His body took over on its own and he felt his arms wrap around Oliver's much smaller frame. Oliver tensed in his grasp. He was ready to let go when he felt arms around him. He smiled softly.

Lutz: Lutz grinned as he pulled the pie out of the oven. It was your favorite, f/p. He was beaming at the fact that it came out well. He was very excited to spend this holiday with you and his brother. A knock came to the door, and he heard your voice telling him you'll get it. "Gilen! (Gilen's girlfriend)! Its wonderful to see you two!" He heard you exclaim, before his brothers timid reply which was too quiet for him to hear. He grinned. His brother was too sweet for his own good. He rushed out to the hall, greeting the trio excitedly. First kissing his girlfriend, then hugging his brother, then hugging his brother's girlfriend after. He led them into the dining room, where the table was filled with delicious food. All throughout the meal, Gilen and his girlfriend kept complimenting the meal. After the table was cleared and dishes were in the dishwasher, he brought out the pie. Hearing you gasp in surprise, his grin grew wider when his brother smiled as well. He thought he couldn't be happier with his loved ones around.

Kuro: Kuro felt shock run through is body; Zao had invited him for dinner, along with the rest of his siblings. He immediately rushed to tell you, and you agreed to go. You two arrived at the house, and Kuro was immediately attacked by Taiwan. "Hello brother! Hello brother's girlfriend!" She greeted, eyes bright with joy. "H-hello sister. How are you?" She giggled, and responded in her native language. He blushed. "D-don't embarrass me!" He shouted, grabbed your hand and looked for Zao. You grinned. You're boyfriend was too cute.

Luciano: Luciano, being Luciano, wanted a massive party for this event. You shot him down instantly. Instead, you brought his brother and his girlfriend over. Flavio demanded to help make dinner for the "two precious angels". You both were seated at the table, talking about life with the two boys. A wonderful smell came from the kitchen. The two boys entered, carrying two plates of perfectly made pasta, coated in a delicious red sauce. Both of you gasped. "It looks delicious, babe!" You told Luci, which slapped a big smirk on his face. "I am-a Italian, amour." He pointed out. Flavio groaned and his girlfriend laughed.

Flavio: Flavio broke your door down, causing you to scream in fear. "We are-a going to Luciano's house right-a now." He grabbed your hand and dragged you down to the car. Once the two of you arrived, he pushed you into the dining room, instructing you to stay there. You and Luciano's girlfriend chatted, and soon, you noticed that you knew the smell that drifted from the kitchen. Flavio's signature pasta sauce. You smiled. What a great way to spend thanksgiving, with people you care about.

Gilen: Gilen felt his eyes go wide. Lutz had asked him to come over for dinner. Immediately he freaked out, causing you to rush into the room. He shakily handed you the note, and the more you read the wider your eyes got. "We should go!" You cheered, eager to get him out of the house. He gaped at you, expecting you to side with him. "Aw c'mon, he isn't that bad. Plus, i remember you saying you wished you could spend more time with him." He sighed, agreeing. "Awesome, i'll call him right now!" You skipped into the dining room, where the phone sat. "Hey Lutz!" You greeted him, his joyful reply causing you to smile. "Are jou und Gilen coming over?" "Yep! We'll be there soon!" "It'll be good to see jou, y/n." "See you soon, Lutz." You turned to face Gilen, grinning. "Lets go, babe."

Ahhhhhhh sorry for this being late! I know not every country celebrates this, and they are a little too happy and nice, but i wanted this to be a feel good chapter! Enjoy!

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