Meeting the parents

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Requested by @2p-hetalia-fan who has been very helpful by requesting many chapters! I hope you enjoy this chapter! M/N mom name D/N dad name S/N sibling name

2P!America/Allen: "Do we have to go?" Allen whined. You giggled. "Yes, we do have to go. They have been dying to meet you." He perked up at that. Soon, you reached your parents estate. His jaw dropped. "You used to live here?!" "Yea?" He practically dragged you to the front door, you laughing the whole way. You knocked on the door, and it was opened instantly. Your mom squealed when she saw you. "My baby girl is home! Ooh, she brought a man home!" "MOM!!!" "STOP IT!" She just laughed. "Let me go get your father." Thats when you felt Allen's grip on your hand tighten. "D/N! Come here!" Your mom bellowed up the stairs. A man appeared and began thumping down the stairs. Allen's hand grew sweaty. "Dad, this is my boyfriend, Allen F, Jones." You stated. Your dad looked him up and down, and eventually nodded his head. "He looks like a nice young man. But you hurt my daughter, I'll take you down." Allen laughed nervously. "I-i'd never do that sir. She's too perfect." Allen stuttered out. Your dad laughed. "Good to hear."

2P!England/Oliver:  "Are you sure you wanna meet my parents?" You asked, nervous for Oliver's life. He kissed your nose, causing you to scrunch your face up cutely. "Of course, cupcake!" He laughed. You sighed, giving into Oliver's puppy dog eyes. "Alright, lemme give them a call."

Time skipity do daaaa

Oliver was practically shaking in his boots at your dad's intimidating presence. You giggled. "You sure now?" "O-of course, p-poppet." Your mom had squealed when she saw him. "He's so adorable!" "MOM! YOUR UPSETTING HIM!" "Sorry, darling, he is just so precious!" Oliver bowed like a perfect gentleman, kissed your mom's hand and told her how much of pleasure it was to meet her. Her eyes grew wide. "He's such a gentleman! And he's British! How did you get so lucky?" You smiled, and looked down. "I have no idea..." He smiled lovingly. "I love her with all my heart. I will never leave her side. She is too perfect to cause any harm to." He stated, just as your father came down the stairs. "It's nice to here you say something like that, we don't have boys like that anymore." Your father grinned at Oliver. "Does he do anything?" He asked, glancing at you. "Oh! He bakes, and he is very talented at his craft." Your father's eyes widened. Oliver then proceeded to hand him a box of cupcakes. "For you and your wife, sir." Oliver murmured. Your father dug into the box, your mother right behind him. "I approve." He stated. 

2P!Canada/Matt: Since you lost your parents long ago, you wanted him to meet your sibling. (if you don't have siblings, count your blessings, but just give yourself the sibling of your choice.) Rather than leave the house, you decided to invite S/N over for dinner. Knowing that your sibling worked long and hard, you made sure to have dinner on the table by the time they arrived. They stumbled into your arms, where you hugged for a few mines before dragging them to the table to meet Matt. Matt was extremely nervous. He wanted to make a good impression on your sibling, considering they were all you had left. Your sibling was shocked Matt had made the pancakes, but complimented them anyways. Matt just blushed and stuttered out a thank you. Finally, your sibling just looked up and said, "Look, if you think I don't approve you and my sister /brother dating, your wrong. They have told me so much about you, so I think I can see you two together for a very long time." Matt smiled. "She's told me a lot about you as well. I'm so glad I finally get to meet you." S/N smiled back. Dinner went well, to say the least. 

2P!Russia/Viktor: Because you had met through family, he already knew everyone in your family. So you had him meet the person who was basically family, but you weren't related; Your best friend. She howled when she saw him. "He is so handsome!" You glared at her. "Oh calm down, Y/N, he's yours for sure." Viktor just smiled the whole time, the cocky bastard -_-. 

2P!China/Zao: You wanted your parents to meet your savior. He was very pleased to hear that you wanted him to meet your parents. You invited them over over for tea and sweets. They were very pleased to meet him for the first time, and when they heard how you had met, they liked him even more. They complimented his tea and the sweets you had made. Overall, your parents were pretty happy with the man you picked. 

2P!France/Francois: Francois was terrified of meeting your parents. Much like Matt, he wanted to make a good impression with them. Your parents on the other hand were ecstatic to meet the man who had captured their usually cold hearted daughter. He was very surprised by their warm greeting, but once he realized why they were so open to him, he just laughed. "I don't know how I won her heart either. It must mean I'm doing something right." Your parents laughed and agreed with him.

I will be doing an axis chapter a little later!

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