IM NOT DEAD also new chapter

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AHHLSDFSLJFV EQIHVNQEYVB QVBPQUYQPHF I IS BAD AUTHOR CHAN serious sorry for not updating, but here is just a quick little filler, I willll get to 1p's, I just need some time. I am a swimmer, so I have my state meet coming up. (for y'all swimmers who read me, ya girl qualified for 200 freestyle and 200 IM.) ANTIWAYS, this chapter will be finding out reader chan's job! If you need any reminders, go back to the Christmas gift chapter!

2P!America/Allen: You cosplay. You get PAID to dress up and look fierce. Allen practically drooled at your steampunk cosplay. The dress was long, but it was a tight dress, with deep reds and browns, and a deep green corset to tie the dress together. He begged you to dress as Oliver and convinced you to attend a convention with him.

 2P!England/Oliver: You are a dancer. He was visiting one afternoon, and he searched the whole house, to hear music coming from a closed door. He opened it, to see you dressed in a bright red dance uniform, with bright red tap/pointe shoes. (pointe shoes are the shoes pro ballerinas own.) He tackled you, and told you how cute you looked and all that good stuff. He then asked you to perform a ballet routine for him. You danced the sugar plum fairy routine, and he was absolutely entranced by it. 

2P!Canada/Matt: You are a lumberjane. They are boss ass bitches, who basically are lumber jacks, but female. Plus, they are super powerful, and some even possess magic. You control earth. You cause flowers and trees to grow, and you take care of the earths environment. He was pretty calm, but asked you to grow him a maple tree, to which you did without hesitation. 

2P!Russia/Viktor: Ice dancer. He was searching for you all over town, when he stumbled upon a little ice skating rink. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a small figure performing beautiful tricks. He turned his head to watch her, when he felt his jaw drop. The dancer was you. His eyes never left your figure until you had completed the routine. You were embarrassed about him seeing you dance, but he told you how talented you were, and how much he enjoyed the little show.

2P!China/Zao: MAKEUP. ARTIST. He LOVES watching you work your magic on people. Because you are so talented, people often will fly you and him ( he never leaves your side now), just so you can do their makeup for a show, movie, musical, whatever it is. You tend to keep quiet, and people respect that, which is nice.

2P!France/Francois: You love books. So, you decided to become a librarian. He gave a little smile as he watched you stack the books, humming the whole time. Francois knew how much you loved books, so he did everything in his power to make sure your library stayed open, and always gave book donations when needed. He loved you for your determination. Even if it meant losing time to be with you. 

2P!Germany/Lutz: You are a very gifted and talented musician. (this is also another hobby of mine. violin players, shout out of the day goes to you.) He absolutely ADORED listening to you play for him. Whenever he was feeling down or stressed, you would drag him to the living room, bring out your violin or sit down at the piano, which ever he wanted that day, and just play for him. He would relax over the course of your music. Some days it took 20 minutes. Others it 2 hours. You didn't care, because you loved playing. (I actually love playing the violin, if you guys want, I'll do like a mini chapter about myself and my hobbies, and I'll go more into depth about my fracking love for violin, but I'm gonna close the parentheses and start the next chapter.)

2P!Japan/Kuro: Like him, you are an assassin. You get paid to kill. (my dream jk lol). He helput he helped you improve, but you were very talented from the beginning. Some times, he would let you just take the days anger out on him with a fighting match. He would never cause you harm, but if you got out of control, he would have to hug and kiss you to calm your crazy ass down.

2P!Italy/Luciano: You were a painter. Luci boy over here loves to watch you paint. Something about how concentrated you get, to him, makes you seem even more cute and cuddly. He always is asking you to paint him, and finally you gave in. His portrait took about, 2 weeks, and he gushed about how much he loved it, and he hung it on his wall. He still mutters about it every time he passes it. 

2P!Prussia/Gillen: You sing. Much like Lutz, if he is having a bad or stress filled day, you'll sing a gentle song for him in French. Most of the time, he'll ask for "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes", from the cinderella movie. (look up this song by annapantsu on youtube she is the bomb diggity.) He often falls asleep, snuggled against you, while you hum or sing the song for him. 

2P!Romano/Flavio: You are a photographer. He became your model. He immediately asked you to do a photoshoot with him. You agreed shyly, and when he saw the final photos, he went silent for a while. At first, you were nervous, what if he didn't like them, what if they were bad? He eventually opened his mouth..........and screamed. He ranted about how perfect they were, how much he loved them, how they were going on his social media. He smiled. He informed you that he thought the pictures came out perfect, just like Y-O-U. 


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