Someone flirts with you

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Thank you to @SeriouslyGay for this idea and they also gave me a few more awesome ideas and I'm so excited to write them! On with the chapter!

Allen: You and Allen were walking around the mall, popping into various stores and occasionally coming out with a bag of items you or him purchased. You had grown a bit peckish, so you convinced him to take you to the food court. While he went and ordered (f/f), you found a place for you both to sit. While you were waiting, a young man came over and plopped down next to you. Really close to you. You immediately did not like this, and so you tried to create space discreetly, but he grabbed your hand while looking at you with a smirk on his face. "Where do you think you're going, sweetie?" The man questioned, taking your hand and kissing it after. You ripped your hand away and flashed your engagement ring. "Not interested in you, sweetie." You snarled at the man, and a look of anger flashed across his face. Before he could open his mouth, Allen appeared and glowered at the man, his crimson eyes piercing the man. "You're gonna leave, or I will make you regret ever coming over to this woman." Allen barked at the man, causing him to hurry away, hoping to never encounter either of you again. Allen dragged you out the car, pressing passionate and possessive kisses to neck and face, ending with a kiss to your lips. "Mine." He muttered, kissing you again.

Oliver: Oliver grinned seeing your familiar frame approach him. He happily bounced over, but froze when another man pulled you into a hug. At first he seemed to be a familiar figure based on the way he held and grabbed you, but then Oliver took notice of the way you were behaving. You were doing everything in your power to get the man off of you, shouting for Oliver to come help. Oliver hastily made his way over, pushing by others and ignoring their cries of anger or shock. Oliver grabbed your upper arm while the man held your forearm. Oliver, obviously having a better grip on you, ripped you from the man and pulled you close to his body. Resting his head on top of yours, he frowned at the man, who wore a look of shock on his features. "What business do you and my girlfriend share?" Oliver snapped, a stern look plastered across his usually smiley face. The man's expression instantly changed. "Your girlfriend? Don't you mean my future girlfriend, once she leaves your pastel looking ass?" He snapped, reaching out to yank you back to him. You slapped his hand away, growling. "I am not your girlfriend. I am his girlfriend, and he is my pastel loving boyfriend and nothing will change that." Gesturing to the man above you, you sneered at the man, (e/c) eyes filled with rage. "Now leave us alone, or we'll have a nice little chat." Oliver smiled, his eyes swirling. The man huffed, but left without another word when he noticed your ring.

Matt: It all happened so fast. First you were walking with Matt in the market, then suddenly, you were being catcalled by a couple of dudes. You of course ignored them, being 100 percent happy with Matt. But one boy in particular did not like being ignored. At all. He turned almost immediately, screaming insults and creating a massive scene in the market place. You stalked over to him, worrying Matt that you were going to leave him. But instead, he saw you grab the screaming man's shirt collar, yank him down and whisper something to him. Matt smirked as the man's face turned ashy white, and you waltzed back over to Matt, a happy grin marking your features. "And what are you so happy about?" Matt questioned, his fingers wrapping lightly around your waist, pulling you close to him. "Oh nothing, just that he won't be bugging me again." You smirked. "Oh? And how did that change?" Matt questioned playfully. "I just threatened to a certain organ." Matt laughed as he wrapped his arms around you. "I love you, maple."

Viktor: Viktor was furious. You could see the steam coming from his ears, but you couldn't leave the conversation, as much as you wanted to. This asshole was chatting your ear off! Eventually, you cut him off and excused yourself to the restroom. Looping around, you met up with Viktor, only to feel a hand grab your wrist. You both flipped around, to see the asshole glaring at you. "What am I, chopped liver?! You were supposed to come back to m-" The man was cut off once again, but by Vik punching him in the face. "You will leave my sunflower alone, or I will assure you feel pain, am I clear?" Viktor's words were sharp and cold, causing the man to scurry off and leave you both alone. You kissed his cheek, silently thanking him for saving you.

Zao: You were resisting to urge to laugh. This girl, yes, girl not woman, would not stop chatting. She was obviously flirting with you, pushing her teeny tiny chest at you, desperate to create cleavage. You bit down on your tongue when she said that she could get anyone she wanted. She then wrote down her number on a napkin and handed it to you with a failed sexy look. "So, should we head back to my place honey?" She breathed, fanning herself. This is when you burst out laughing. "listen honey, I got a man. And you're literally a child. I wouldn't date a child." Her face flushed white when she saw Zao glowering at her. "I gotta go, but good luck with your sex life kiddo." You flashed her a smile, grabbed Zao hand, and walked away giggling. "I love you Zao."

Francois: He was fuming. Absolutely fuming. His 1P, Francis, would not stop chatting you up. Of course, Francois didn't know that the conversation was about his upcoming birthday and that you had asked Francis for advice. Francis knows better than to flirt with the one woman who makes his usually gloomy and agitated counterpart happy and soft. He stomped over, shouted a few words to his counterpart, and grabbed your arm and dragged you away. You were laughing the whole time as you bade Francis farewell. "You silly boy, I was asking about you." "And how do I know that?" Francois snarled. "Because your birthday is next week and I wanted to surprise you with something and I thought Francis could give me advice." You snapped, angry at his childishness. A soft look fell upon his face. "Je suis désolé, mon cher." He apologized and kissed your hand. A soft sigh fell from your lips, "Its ok you dummy, but I love you and no one else."

Lutz: Lutz felt rage overtake his whole body as he stared at you. More like stared at the man who flirted with you very obviously. This man was making you uncomfortable, but because he knew you didn't like confrontation, you didn't do anything about it. The man often touched you, feigning to brush something off your face or move your hair. You eventually held his hand and pushed it away. "Please stop touching me, if i have something on my face just tell me." He kissed your hand and replied with, "Well i'm sorry for finding your face so beautiful." Wow. Blunt. You ripped your hand away and slapped him across the face, turned around and marched back to Lutz, who had a massive grin on his face.

Kuro: Kuro was snarling under his breath, growling and cursing at the man next to you. You were furious as well, just slightly better at hiding it. This man was bragging about his life and how luxurious it was. He then started talking about how he was an avid knife collector and even possessed one of the rarest knives in the world. You grinned, knowing he was lying. '"Really? Tell me all about it!" Faking awe and shock, the man grinned. "The design of the model is blue and black, and it has a beautiful straight handle." (We love making stuff up for fanfiction XD). "Actually," you corrected, pulling the blade out, "Its blue and white, and has a curved handle." Your tone turned sour. "Don't brag about something you clearly don't understand, asshole." Turning on your heel, you grabbed Kuro and pulled him away, flicking the man off.

Luciano: You grinned. Widely. This man was pissing Luci boy off good. Bragging and showing off, trying to win your affection. You laughed at the man, who looked very confused. "You silly man, my heart belongs to the man in front of you, so watch that mouth of yours. Maybe i'll cut it off if you are not wise about your words." Your sadistic tone scaring the man severely. Causing him to run off in terror. Luci boy grinned. Widely.

Flavio:Flavio was fuming. His enemy designer, was flirting with you. Giving you compliments that made you uncomfortable, saying things about your body, mostly your rack. Your boobs were average sizing (B-C, just for this chapter), but he was going on and on about how you'd look fabulous with a set of huge knockers and how he'd date you with those boobs and all that. But one comment pissed you off. "Such a shame, a woman like you should have the chest of a woman, not a little girl." You punched him. Hard. "Maybe an egoistical asshole needs to relax, so go swallow a bottle of em." You shouted at him, Flavio laughing hysterically the whole time.

Gilen: Gilen often never stepped in when you got flirted with, he often let you take care of it. But occasionally, it would cross his boundaries and he would step in and get rough. Gilen was over the edge, ready to cut a throat, angry. This girl was pissing him off. Her child like body, no curves, were being flashed around for everyone to "admire". She grinned, locking eyes with you. She pulled you into her, faking a fall. "Oh, i'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, eyes wide with innocence. You groaned, shoving her off. "Look, just leave me alone, i have a boyfriend and i'm not interested." She started shrieking and crying, begging you to stay. You rolled your eyes, got up, and left with Gilen, who had a smirk on his face. "Don't say anything." You chuckled.

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