Your song~

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This is a little off topic, but I figured I be a little romantic this chapter, plus I need ideas for chapters! Please request, it would be so helpful!

Allen: Team- Noah Cyrus and MAX

A little known fact, Allen can play guitar. You found this song, but didn't tell him about it. He found it on your computer, and decided to learn it. You came home from work one day, and heard him singing the first verse. You joined in, and your duet ended with a sweet kiss. 

Oliver: Don't leave me alone- David Guetta and Anne Maria

Oliver feels this strongly represents his feelings, don't leave me alone. He's been alone for a long time, and was very happy to have met you. He hopes you won't abandon him, because his love for you is so deep, and hopes you feel the same. Luckily, you do. 

Matt: Photograph-Ed Sheeran

The song is one of Matt's favorites, and it grew a new meaning when you two met. He gave you a locket with his picture in it, and proceeded to serenade you with the song. He loves singing, and he loves you, so why not combine the two?

Viktor: Only us-Laura Dreyfuss and Ben Platt

You brought this into his life, and he immediately found himself relating to it. He thinks that being apart of different mafia's, and he thinks it shouldn't matter to anyone. As long as both of you are happy, he is forever content with you. 

Zao: Perfect-Ed Sheeran

Zao likes this song because he feels that the song perfectly represents his emotions towards you, him viewing you as perfect. You can do him no wrong, and hopes you see him the same way. He absolutely adores you, and wants nothing but the best for you. 

Francois: Halo- Beyonce

Francois sees you as an angel, and thinks this song represents that. Every morning, he wakes up, and sees a "halo" of sunlight resting above you. He sees you as the light to his dark world, and will allow nothing bad to harm you, or to taint your halo.

Lutz: He's a tramp- Annapantsu cover

You and him being dog lovers, think this song describes your relationship. Before you, he would go from one lady to another, considering him a tramp. But then he found you, his perfect partner. If he has had a bad day, you'll pull him into the music room, put the song on or play it, and serenade him with it. It never fails to cheer him up, and sometimes he'll bark along in time with you. 

Kuro: Hey soul sister-Train

Kuro likes this song because he sees you as his soulmate, that you were destined to be. He feels strongly about you, and he hasn't felt this way in a very long time. He believes the world should kneel at your feet and worship the ground you walk on, because he sure does. 

Luciano: Celoso- Lele Pons

Luciano likes to sing this song to you when he gets flirted with and you storm off. He will trail after you, and sing the song to you without the music. Or he'll play it on his phone and sing a long with it, because he loves your pouty face and flush of embarrassment. 

Flavio: Turn me on- Nicki Minaj

He likes to sing this song to get you in the mood. He thinks its hilarious and adorable to see you bury your head in his chest and hide away. He'll pull you away and continue singing the song, sometimes singing in it his native tongue. 

Gilen: Love story- Taylor Swift

Gilen likes this song because he considers you his Juliet, and the song is based on the romance between Romeo and Juliet. He likes to think he has an ok singing voice, and when you join him he falls even with you. 

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