Chapter 16

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I feel very motivated to update. 5,000 READS! THANK YOU!!

Michael's P.O.V:


"Why exactly, are we, uhh.. doing this?" Louis asks.

"I'm bored." I say.

"What if I beat you?" He asks.

"You owe me fifty bucks, then. I owe you fifty if you win, and I owe me fifty if I win, wait- shi-" I say, but get cut off by his idiotic voice.

"I'm fine with that deal." Louis says, laughing.

"Fuck you, it was a mistake.." I say.

"Fine. I know what you meant, just hurry.  My game takes too long to load." Louis says, sighing.

"It's been like, fifteen minutes, why the fuck is your computer so slow?!" I scream at him.

"I have no clue. Processor sucks." He says.

"Kinda figured that out." I say.

"Why the fuck did you ask then?" He asks.

"Don't be sma- IT LOADED!" I scream.

"Fucking finally." He says.

"Ok. So. I'm gonna have my sim be a bitch so they deserve it, otherwise I feel bad." I say.

"But it's a game." He says.

"Shut up." I reply, but get a "genius" idea to make Luke & Calum.

"Bromance." I say.

"Me and Harry?" He asks.

"I fucking hate you, Louis! No! A ship from the band I'm in." I say, hitting him on the head.

"Okay. But, who?" He asks.

"First off, this isn't twenty questions, Louis. Second, Cake. CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE CAKE." I yell.

"Ok." He says, showing no interest at all.


Louis and I finally finish making our sims, and bring them in world.

"What lot?" Louis asks.

"An empty one." I say.

He picks an empty lot and the 3 sims load onto the lot and start roaming around like idiots.

"Shit, I didn't make them dating." I say, sighing.

"Bromance. Not romance." He says.

"SAME THING!" I yell.


I end up winning by burning Calum alive, and drowning Luke.

"Okay. That was fucked up." I say, sighing.

"Yeah.. I'm never doing that again, I also don't owe you fifty bucks." He says.

"Gah, whatever, fuck you." I say.

"Uh.. do you think what we did to Calum was right?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, they deserved it. I seriously made him the most idiotic sim in the planet." I say.

"He kinda resembled you." Louis says.

"I seriously FUCKING hate you, Louis."




Luke's P.O.V:

I can't sleep. Fuck. Now I know why Ashton spoke to me about sexual tension. God, I do not want to remember that shit. I seriously remember a line that stood out.

"Whatever you do, don't do anything for attention from them. Don't cross the line. Don't, don't, don't!"

I think I kind of, well, crossed the line.

I may or may not have called myself a gay freak on Calum's twitter for attention, oops.  I am seriously not telling anyone either. Fuck. That. I wonder why Ashton thought it was Michael. Weird. Maybe Michael secretly hates me. Well, lets be honest, I think he deeply hates everyone.

I guess I'm not going by my mind anymore. Ever. Again.


I didn't even write Calum's "kidnapping" <-- pft, you'll see, part. Wish I wouldve, but I didn't. Also, Michael and Louis didn't do it. Don't be mad at the poor babes. TWIST.

“You can't force love, I realized. It's there or it isn't. If it's not there, you've got to be able to admit it. If it is there, you've got to do whatever it takes to protect the ones you love.” 

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