Chapter 10

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A quick note before I start this chapter: I don't know when I will be adding Cake into it. I will try to get in some in this chapter. I just want to continue on to say that Cake IS the main "bromance" in this story. There will be some smaller relationships involving Luke and Ashton. I don't know if I'll be having Mashton back or not, I guess it just depends on what I'm writing. The main P.O.V is indeed Ashton, but I'll try to switch them a bit. But the main is Ashton and I am not going to be switching point of views every 5 seconds. long a:n but whatever, enjoy!

Ashton's P.O.V:

AGAIN? FUCKING AGAIN? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? 2ND FUCKING TIME I'VE BEEN IN THIS BRIGHT WHITE FUCKING ROOM IN THE PAST 5 HOURS! I hear faint crying but notice whenever I open my eyes I feel blind. Ahh.. holy shit.. Am I dead?

"No. You aren't dead." Someone says.

I open my eyes and stare around. I spot a sobbing Luke laying on the chair. Wow. What the fuck is happening? I look over and see a doctor staring at me. 

"Hi, I'm your doctor." She says.

"Oh, um, hello..." I say.

"Can you explain to me what happened if you remember?" She asks me.

"well, uh, yeah, I don't remember." I say.

"Ahh... Okay." She says.

"Well, your bandmate has been sitting here crying for 5 hours now. Would you like to talk to him?" She asks.

"Yeah, sure." I say.

"Uh, sir?" She says, touching his shoulder.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Your friend is awake." She says, pointing over to me.

"Thanks.." He says.

She leaves the room and he runs over and sits on my hospital bed.

"Ashton.. please." He begs.

"Please stop doing this.." He says.

I stay quiet and stare at the ceiling as he continues talking.

"Not only are you hurting yourself but you're hurting me, Calum & Michael too. You are getting on so much medication now, Ash! It's a fucking lot! Every day for mostly the rest of your life. Your arms are so fucking bad, Ashton. They had to inject you with something to make you numb. They said it's going to hurt so fucking bad once it wears out. If the pain was unbearable before- can you imagine how bad it's going to fucking be NOW?" He explains to me.

All I do is stare at the ceiling.

"So.. many bandages, Ashton. So much medication. It's fucking crazy." He says.

"You are.. so.. lucky.. you haven't been put into surgery.. It's so fucking bad.. all your cuts.. they've all gotten infected..." He says, continuing. "Do you understand how much more serious this could get if you continue with what you're doing?" He asks me.

"Sir, you're going to have to leave now." A nurse says. "Visiting time is over." 

"Yeah.. I understand." He says, sighing. He walks out of the room and walks to the lobby.

 I "Hi, I'm your nurse. I have to stitch up your opened wounds and tend to your infections until they improve." She says.

"When can I go home?" I ask her.

"When we're complete with the process. It'll take about 14 hours, sir." She says.

"Yeah, whatever, are you going to give me an anesthetic drug or something to numb me?" I ask.

"Yes. Of course. We have to give it to you." She says.

"Okay. Can you like; please just start now?" I ask.


Luke's P.O.V: 

I sit down at the couch and lay down, grabbing a throw blanket. I sigh and look at the clock on the wall. 8:33 AM. I guess the best thing to do is to go to sleep.




I woke up around 5 PM and got a call right when I woke up.   huh, strange.

I pick up my phone and press answer.

"Hello?" I say in a tired voice.

"Hello, your friend Ashton just got done with his stitches and medication." They tell me.

"Oh, yeah, thank you. I'll be there in 20 min." I say. Still nodding my head in disbelief of Ashton.

Ashton's P.O.V:

I'm so fucking tired. Damn. I rub my eyes and sit up from the bed. I pick up my wrist to only see a thick layer of bandages. I never want to come back to this hospital again. I rub both of my wrists and the nurse walks into the room.

"Hi! I'm glad you're awake. Your friend is coming to pick you up. He already knows what he's supposed to do." She says.

"Yeah." I say.

Luke walks into the room and picks me up from the bed. Uhh.. What the fuck? Does he think I'm not able to walk or something? I jump out of his arms and feel a sharp pain in my thigh. Whaaaa?

"Holy fuck!" I scream.

"That was the whole entire reason I was carrying you, Ashton!" He said.

I limp after him and finally get to the hospital desk.

"We're checking out." Luke tells the desk worker.

"Name?" She asks.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin." He says.

"Okay." She says, clicking through some files. "You're free to go." 

We walk out of the hospital and I ask him if he actually had to use my middle name.

"Was it really necessary to use my middle name?" I asked him.

"Yes, Ashton." He says.

"Whatever, Luke Robert Hemmings." I say.


end of chapter 10


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