Chapter 9

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Ashton's P.O.V:

"IS HE OKAY?!?!" I heard, that's all I heard. What the fuck happened? Jesus fucking christ. I don't even know what the fuck happened. I open my eyes are stare at the white room.
Okay.. so this isn't my fucking room. Am I in a mental facility or some shit? Oh wait.. am I in the hospital? A doctor comes into my room and asks me if I feel ok.

"Hello, Ashton. I'm your doctor, how are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Feeling fucking great. What the fuck happened?" I asked him.

"You fell onto a lamp and some pieces of glass from the lightbulb kind of got stuck everywhere." He tells me.

"Oh..." I say.

"Yeah.. you are free to leave in a couple of hours, but you're going to have to take some meds for a month so that the infection on your arm will also stop from flaring up." He says.

"Wait what? infection?" I ask.

"Yes. One of your cuts have gotten infected." He says.

"We're going to have to put your arm in some gauze for a month, but you will HAVE to take the meds other wise it'll probably flare up and your arms will feel like they're on fire." He says.

"Okay... Can I go home now?" I ask him.

"No, we still have to bandage up your arms and then you can leave, also, give your arms some fresh air so that they cannot get infected. Don't put more gauze around them to irritate them." He says.

"ASHTON?" I hear Luke & Calum scream. I guess it makes fucking sense Michael wouldn't be here. Egotistical bitch. 

They both come into the room and then they both run over to me.

"Are you okay?!?!" They ask me.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I say.

The doctor comes back in and fills me in on what's going to happen.

"Okay, so, if the infection starts to get worse you're going to have to put this solution on it. If any of your cuts start to flare then take the medication. One of you are going to need to control his medication. Which one of you want to do that?" He asks them.

"I do." Luke says before Calum can even say anything.

"Okay, he's going to have to take them every week. If anything starts to flare up tell Luke, now, You're under control of his medication, okay? So you're going to have to make him take it. If he doesn't take it every week all of his cuts can get infected. And that will be extremely painful." He says.

"Okay, thanks." Luke says.

"Uh. How come I didn't know you cut?" Calum asks me.

"Well, you never asked." I said.

"You should of told me..." He says.

"Calum. If you were to cut, would you go up and tell everyone about it?" I asked.

"Well.. maybe." He said.

"Bullshit! You wouldn't even tell Luke." I tell him.

"Okay, yeah yeah, but Luke knew!!! You should've told me too!" He said.

"Yeah.. I know." I said, admitting to it.

"I'm helping Luke." He said.

"No." Luke said.

"Why?" Calum asked.

"Sometimes..." Luke said, flushing a bright red.

Well.. I hope he knows we both saw that.

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