Chapter 21- Whiplash

Start from the beginning

"Oh, fun," I said. I could tell he didn't look too pleased. "Hey, it'll be ok."

"What are you talking about?" Seth asked, grabbing the last of the cookies.

"Fighting Dean, it'll get better," I said. "I mean, fighting Kaitlyn wasn't always easy for me. It hurt me a little to know I my best friend was standing across from me instead of next to me in the ring. But before Kaitlyn left, I made amends with her. Sort of. So it'll get better, trust me."

Seth just continued to stare at me before rolling his eyes and smiling. "You always give the freaking sappiest pep talks."

"So do you!" I replied.

"Maybe, but not as sappy as yours are!" He exclaimed. We both started laughing at how stupid we sounded, then continued to talk about random things until the show started.

However, not before finishing off every crumb on the plate.


Let's light it up. Light it up, light it up, light it tonight. That always confused me. What was I doing, setting a car on fire? I questioned my theme song as I skipped to the ring, where Rosa Mendez was already waiting for me to enter the ring. I stepped through the ropes, tucking my title away for safe keeping, and stood in front of her as the bell rang.

Rosa instantly started yelling at me. Something about how she wanted a title shot. I just mumbled under my breath and sent a kick to her midsection before tangling her into the Black Widow. She shrieked in pain and tapped her hand to signal surrender. I quickly let go of her, brushing myself off and receiving my diva's title from the ref. I walked back up the ramp and turned around, standing in front of the crowd and holding the diva's championship high above my head. A great The End to my storybook.

Unfortunately, fate didn't want that to be my fairy tale's last sentence.

A powerful set of arms pushed on my back, forcing my title to tumble out of my hands and resulting in me flying off the stage. I landed on the concrete below, my neck whipping back as I rolled to a stop.

My spine lit up in pain as I tried to regain my breathing, but I heard a voice calling out my name. "AJ," a British accent snuck through the air. It didn't take me long to figure out Paige was the one who shoved me. "I still love you!"

After that, her words became muffles in my mind. One of the refs tried to get a response out of me, but I continued to squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to see the lights of the arena. All my brain could process was the fact that I wanted Punk to be here beside me.

Soon, I was being gently rotated onto my back as more medics began to surround me. I could barley hear them, my whole body felt numb and heavy. I could just tell they were getting worried about the fact that I was unresponsive.

After a few brief minutes, I felt something being placed around my neck as I was maneuvered onto a stretcher. I was slowly wheeled to the back and taken to the trainers, the bright lighting finally forcing my eyes to flutter open.

"Good, you're responding," the trainer stated. I continued to look up at him, helpless since I was completely immobile due to the neck brace. "How are you?"

"My neck hurts," I groaned. He looked down at his clipboard.

"Yes, that was expected. We think you suffered a bit of whiplash, but we can't be sure. The plan is to take you down to the local medical center and-"

"No!" I somehow forced out. I couldn't go to the hospital. If I did, I'd be stuck there until the house shows started. Then I'd be on the road again. I'd been away from Punk for too long, I wasn't about to spend the time I could be with him in a hospital.

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