Chapter 13- Friends

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AJ Lee's POV
Two Weeks Later

Over the past few weeks, I'd been trying to keep everything on the down low. Considering not a single diva trusted me on the roster anymore. Including Tamina.

As of late, Tamina was the only one I had to even think of as a friend. And now that my whole Bipolar secret had surfaced in the locker room, no one thought I could be trustworthy, not even her. She told me now that the only time she could protect me was if I had a match due to her own busy schedule, but I could tell that wasn't the reason.

She didn't trust me. Tamina didn't want to admit it, but she didn't trust me and she didn't have faith in me. Not a lot of people did anymore. A lot of the roster thought that I wouldn't be around much longer. Everyone thought I'd be gone soon due to my medical problems. The whole diva's division was already claiming who'd take my place at all the live events and who'd get the next spot of their own T Shirt line when I left.

This is why I never told anyone about my Bipolar Disorder before. I knew this would happen.

As thoughts continued to scorch my brain, I continued to snip fabric from my T Shirt to prepare for tonight. Raw started in one hour and I didn't want to be rushing when the time came for my match.

Right now I was in my new so called hiding place. The bathroom. No one ever really wasted their time in these old, cement floor restrooms, so it was the perfect place for me to try to be alone. Just me, a skeleton heart shirt, and a pair of scissors on the cold concrete.

My phone was next to me as I sat indian style making designs on the shirt. I always had it next to my side in case I ever needed the words of CM Punk.

Ever since Punk and I spoke in Chicago, he'd been the closest thing I had to medication. If I needed calming words or advice of any kind, he was all I had anymore. He hadn't let me down yet, so I could still have a little bit of a drug for my Bipolar Disorder, so to speak.

Finishing the last bits of my shirts design, I pulled my jacket off and slipped the shirt on over my body. Standing up, picking up fabric scraps off the floor, I threw away the excess from my shirt and put my scissors in my back pocket, walking out the bathroom door as I did.

As I make my back to the diva's locker room, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words.

"Emma, we've discussed this."


It sounds like Stephanie's voice is somewhere in the conversation. The other voice sounds younger. Younger and not American.

"Look, you're good and all, don't get me wrong, but we just need the Total Diva's to be on air for now since the new season just started."

Yep, on air this week. And the week after that and the week after that.

"Please, just let me show the fans what I can do, they'll-"

"Not this week, Emma, just wait. I'll get you a match, I promise."

Yeah, a match on the pre show against their precious little rising star Eva Marie.

"Oh," the younger voice sighed in defeat.

I heard a ringtone come from someone's phone. "I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"Ok," and with that, the conversation ended. I peaked from behind the wall I'd been leaning against to eavesdrop to see Stephanie was out of sight and only a blonde girl in black jeans and a white T Shirt remained, sitting on one of the storage crates.

I walked over to the girl, hearing my shoes clink against the floor. She turned her face towards me at the sound of my footprints.

I knew who she was. Emma. She was a bubbly, happy, chirpy girl from Australia who I'd seen on NXT. She'd just recently moved to the main roster and I could tell it was taking a toll on her.

The Hidden Life of AJ LeeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora