Chapter 2- Pills

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AJ Lee's POV

Tables, Ladders, and Chairs

My Diva's Title Belt sat in my lap in the corner of the locker room. All the other girls glared at me as they unpacked their bags and got ready for tonight's show. Only Natalya and myself were fighting, so I didn't see the point in them even showing up in the first place, I mean, besides the Bella Twins, who most likely came to support their little boyfriends.

Every time someone even glanced at the belt in my hands, I held it even closer towards my chest. This thing wasn't going anywhere. Not tonight.

The girls in the room included Brie and Nikki Bella, Natalya, the Funkadactyles (Cameron and Naomi), and Tamina, who stood right next to me with her arms crossed.

I was completely safe. With Tamina and this belt, no one could touch me.

As I looked at the girls glaring at me, all five of those stupid Total Divas glaring at me, I kept a smirk but couldn't help as thoughts swam through my mind. If I lost, I didn't just loose a shiny belt. I lost respect, I lost my dream, I lost the only thing that protected me from utter torture. I could feel my heart rate speeding up and my palms got sweaty.

I got up, still faking an evil smile, and skipped towards the door, leaving my belt in my corner as Tamina guarded it. The girls shot me daggers.

I left the woman's locker room in search of the restroom. The kickoff match was already starting, so everyone was here at the arena already, leaving the backstage area filled with people. Hopefully I could sneak through everyone and find the bathroom. An empty bathroom.

I casually walked through the hallways, trying to find anything that was marked Restroom. I put my hand into my pocket, searching for the plastic zip lock bag filled with pills. Still there. I sighed with relief.

The match was in less than an hour. I had to hurry. I scanned all the doors until, finally, there was the women's room. I slipped in and, luckily, the bathroom was empty.

I went and stood in front of the sink and mirror. I looked at my reflection. I tried to convince myself so many times that there, looking back at me was a champion. But all I ever saw was that little girl who decided to be a WWE Diva, who went into NXT with such high hopes, who lost a best friend because of her relationship troubles, who's heart had been tossed around the roster too many times.

Before my confidence could lower any more, I took the bag out of my pocket, opened it, put the pill in my mouth, and washed it down my throat with some water from the sink. I grabbed the bag off the counter and ran out door before anyone else could come in.

Wrong move running, although.

As I got out the door, I crashed head on into someone walking by. We both fell to the floor and my bag flew out of my hands. I looked up to see who I'd crashed into. CM Punk.

No! Please no, not CM Punk! Punk had loved to torment me and get under my skin when I was GM, and I knew he'd do anything to have some sort of blackmail for me. And those pills could absolutely destroy my career.

"Hey!" Punk yelled. Obviously he wasn't too happy I'd run into him. But I didn't care. I was on all fours looking for my bag of pills.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I didn't answer. Where were those freaking pills?!

I heard the ruffle of plastic crinkling. I looked over at CM Punk, who had his hands on my little zip lock bag.

"Those are mine!" I yelled. I snatched the bag out of his hands and clutched them to my chest.

"What are-"

"They're for headaches." I lied. I didn't give him the chance to say anything else, for I was already on my feet running back to the women's locker room.


Trust me when I say that the most beautiful words that can ever be said to a WWE Diva are "and still, your Diva's Champion" and then your name following it. So pinning Natalya tonight, hearing that one phrase, just made my life a little sweeter.

I couldn't help but skip through the backstage area, Tamina walking next to me, my belt on my shoulder. I walked passed lots of angry faces, the Bella's and Naomi to name a few, but who could honestly even give a crap about them? I was still champion, that's all that mattered.

I told Tamina she could leave me be. I had retained my title, I could walk backstage proud and tall and, most importantly, independently. Smiling with my belt by my side, I walked into the locker room. It was completely empty.

Could my night get any better?

My smile widened and I walked over to my suitcase, gently placing my belt inside. I grabbed the bag of pills, which had miraculously stayed inside my short pocket throughout the fight, planning to put them back into the compartment in my bag. I looked at the tiny bag. Something didn't look right.

The small pile of pills tossing around in the bag looked the slightest bit smaller.

I'd counted how many pills I put in the bag. I always did to make sure I'd never accidentally dropped one on the bathroom floor or something. Ten pills were in the bag when I arrived, nine should have been left since I took one earlier tonight.

Making sure no one was in the room, I poured the pills into the palm of my hand. I counted every pill. Twice. As I finished counting for the third time, I felt like the world was crashing down on me. This couldn't be happening. Not now.

In my palm, my shaking sweaty palm, lay eight pills.

A/N: Ok, so I know this chapter was rather short, but I couldn't think of how to make it any longer.

Also, before this story goes any further, I'd like to say that all the stuff I write is based off the way the storyline characters would act. What AJ Lee does are not the actions of April Mendez, what CM Punk does are not the actions of Phillip Brooks, and so on.

Well, that's about it! Bye!

-El ♥

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