Chapter 21- Whiplash

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AJ Lee's POV

One Week Later

God, I tried so hard to get time off. All I wanted to do was fly to Chicago and tell CM Punk I loved him. I almost called him, but this was something I wanted to do in person.

But, just my luck, all the flights were booked and our schedule was so hectic there wasn't any way I could drive all the way to Illinois. So, I waited patiently, but it was so difficult. He called me all the time to check up on me and make sure I was ok, and I always said everything was fine and I'd see him soon. It was cute to hear the concern in his voice. I constantly pictured his relieved face in my head. Every passing day just reminded me of how much I wanted to be in his embrace.

While Punk constantly tugged at my brain, there was another problem swirling around in my life. Paige. I was fine at first, I mean, friendships in WWE never last, but she was a master at getting under my skin. She purposely used my mental illness against me, telling the whole world that I had emotional issues and that I was, well, crazy. I then, in the heat of the moment, proved this to be true and attacked her, giving me that chaotic look that I tended to have most of the time.

Oh, I couldn't wait to get my hands on her and tear her raven locks out.

But tonight on Smackdown, I had a match with Rosa Mendez. Perfect. I planned on using her as an example. Paige would see that I wasn't one to be messed with. I could beat her, Bipolar Disorder or not.

I walked into the backstage portion of the arena as usual, but this time I didn't walk to the Divas locker room. I kept my duffle bag in my hand and walked into catering. Several of the superstars and divas were already there, talking amongst themselves and eating light portions of the food. I ignored all of their voices and grabbed myself a plate, filling it with everything from cheese to potato salad to the little chocolate chip cookies we all ate as guilty pleasures. I got a lot of strange looks because, obviously, I was tiny and couldn't eat all that food by myself, but I kept onward and walked out of the room and down the hall.

I continued to walk, skipping lightly as I did, until I reached the forbidden Authority hallway. I knocked on the door labeled Seth Rollins, smiling when he answered.

"Hey AJ," he said, opening the door so I could squeeze through. He quickly shut it behind him and I went to sit on one of the benches.

"I brought food," I said. His grin widened, sitting down next to me as I placed the food in between us. Seth didn't like going to catering because of the possibility of getting cornered and destroyed (because a good portion of the locker room wanted to kill him), so I offered to bring him food every now and then. In return, he would sometimes let me chill in his private, hairsprayless locker room.

"Yes! Cookies," Seth said, grabbing one of the cookies and stuffing it into his mouth. I grabbed one of the crackers I'd crammed on the plate as he spoke to me.

"So, how's everything?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Good, I guess," I said. "I was up all night cause of some stupid nightmare."

Seth chuckled slightly. "Join the club," he said, stuffing a few apple slices into his mouth. "I get em all the time."

"About what?" I asked, nibbling on my cracker.

"Depends. I mean, I didn't have a terrible childhood or anything, so I really don't know what triggers em. I didn't get em that bad a few months ago, but now-" Seth stopped himself. He didn't need to continue.

"It's fine," I said, not wanting the conversation to go any further. "You gotta match tonight?"

"Yeah," Seth replied. "Handicapped match. Kane and myself against Ambrose."

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