Chapter 15

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Travis was tense most of the night but he said he was fine. Whenever I asked what was wrong he would just smile and said it was nothing and that I was making a big deal out of nothing.

I didn't believe him. The Casey house has just been attacked and he seemed to be harboring anger towards Cameron for the rest of the night. But 'it was nothing'.

It was late and Travis and I had been hanging out between his bedroom and Ben's for a few hours. I started to get too tired and eventually left on my own so I wouldn't pass out in Ben's room. Travis remained, talking with Ben about who had checked in with either of them.

I was currently lying on his bed with my eyes shut and his comforter completely over my head. I inhaled lightly. It smelled like the woods. Like trees.

The door opened and I panicked only for a second, sure that whoever it was wouldn't see what I was wearing. I didn't have spare clothes here. It was beginning to be a common occurrence now. So when I was getting ready for bed, I just grabbed one of his t-shirts.

"Lacey," Travis said quietly. I relaxed, not worried about Ben or Annabeth walking in on me in only a t-shirt. My legs were freezing but as soon as I got in his bed to sleep, I couldn't complain.

"Why are you hiding under the covers?" he asked as he climbed onto his bed.

"I'm not hiding," I argued.

The covers that were covering me entirely up to my head moved up only slightly before falling back over me and I could feel warmth near the side of my body. I wanted to inch closer to him to feel how warm he was but I stayed where I was.

Instead, with my eyes still closed, I reached blindly out towards him with one of my hands until I latched onto his arm and tugged him to my side. Heat hit my legs and I melted.

"You're like an icicle," he said, jumping back at first before he returned.

"Yes," I admitted but there was a smile on my face that he couldn't see. I inhaled deeply and the smell was even stronger than before. It was soothing and I felt my muscles relax more than they already had.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concern lacing his voice as he came closer to me to try to warm me up.

"Yeah, I just don't have pants on," I stated before focusing back on the smell.

He didn't say anything for awhile after that and I was extremely curious to see the look on his face but not enough to move the comforter away from over my face.

His hand slinked around my side on the outside of my shirt and he squeezed my hip.

"I could warm you up," he suggested.

I inhaled again. Comfort and safety.

"Are you sniffing something?" Travis asked when I didn't answer him.

I nodded, not that he could see. "Your bed smells like you."

Suddenly, Travis was under the comforter with me and his voice was close to my face. "Are you serious?" he asked.

"So did the one at the Casey house but it wasn't this good," I admitted.

Travis started laughing and hugged me to his body. "You're such a creep."

I shrugged.

"It's a good thing I like you," he said.

My stomach fluttered and I opened my eyes to peek at him. "Creep and all?"

Travis nodded. "Creep and all. If you were romantic or some shit, you'd probably be perfect and then I wouldn't stand a chance."

I scrunched up my face. "I'm romantic."

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